
KP Sharma Oli

Will Nepal’s New Government Usher in a New Electoral System?

Will Nepal’s New Government Usher in a New Electoral System?

By Pratistha Rijal
The current coalition, while fragile, has enough seats to undertake constitutional amendment, and potentially do away with Nepal’s mixed electoral system.

China Loses Ground in Nepal

China Loses Ground in Nepal

By Arpan Gelal
The recent political shake-up in the government has cost Beijing the upper hand in the contest for geopolitical influence.
Nepal’s New Government Faces a Stiff Test

Nepal’s New Government Faces a Stiff Test

By Marcus Andreopoulos
Dahal’s return to power could reset Nepal’s foreign policy – but first he'll have to survive an unstable coalition and disgruntled electorate.

Nepal’s Once-and-Future Prime Minister: What to Expect From Deuba’s Foreign Policy

Nepal’s Once-and-Future Prime Minister: What to Expect From Deuba’s Foreign Policy

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Managing relations with great powers will remain a key foreign policy challenge for Nepal’s new prime minister.

Nepal’s Supreme Court Flexes Its Muscles

Nepal’s Supreme Court Flexes Its Muscles

By Sambridh Ghimire
Institutional confrontation is heating up in Nepal, against the backdrop of an ongoing political crisis.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Is Nepal Now Courting India and Ignoring China?

Is Nepal Now Courting India and Ignoring China?

By Bindesh Dahal and Arun Budhathoki
As Oli steers his party to the right to woo India's ruling BJP, China is courting Nepal's left wing.

Nepal’s Leaders Must Put Aside Differences Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Nepal’s Leaders Must Put Aside Differences Amid COVID-19 Crisis

By Nirajan Thapaliya
For now, instead of endless politicking, Nepal’s leaders must put their differences aside and work together
Nepal President Dissolves Parliament in a Move Many Term ‘Unconstitutional’

Nepal President Dissolves Parliament in a Move Many Term ‘Unconstitutional’

By Abhijnan Rej
Nepal will hold fresh elections in April and May next year.

Political Infighting in Nepal Reaches Alarming Levels Alongside High-Level Foreign Visits

Political Infighting in Nepal Reaches Alarming Levels Alongside High-Level Foreign Visits

By Sudha Ramachandran
While the Oli-Dahal fight has reached a critical point, Oli’s government continues to engage India and China as both jostle for influence in the Himalayan nation.

Why the Nepal Communist Party Must Not Split

Why the Nepal Communist Party Must Not Split

By Pradip Adhikari
A split in the NCP would be bad for the factions involved as well as the country writ large.

COVID-19: Nepal in Crisis

COVID-19: Nepal in Crisis

By Peter Gill
The coronavirus crisis has brought to the fore -- and exacerbated -- a number of the Nepali state’s long-standing weaknesses.
Amid Border Dispute, Nepal Renews Call for Talks With India

Amid Border Dispute, Nepal Renews Call for Talks With India

By Associated Press
Nepal’s foreign minister emphasizes that the two neighbors must talk.

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