
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)

UN Names Pakistani Linked to Mumbai Attacks as Terrorist

UN Names Pakistani Linked to Mumbai Attacks as Terrorist

By Munir Ahmed
Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Abdul Rehan Makki’s designation as terrorist came after China lifted its technical hold on his inclusion in the UNSC list.
Pakistan Acts Tough on Top Terrorist

Pakistan Acts Tough on Top Terrorist

By Liam Gibson
Its sentencing of Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed is grounded in economic realism.

Pakistan’s Drug Habit Is Endangering the Region

Pakistan’s Drug Habit Is Endangering the Region

By Habiba Ashna Marhoon
In the past, Pakistan’s clandestine services have used profits from drug trafficking to fund proxy groups in South Asia.

India Killed Kashmir’s Top Militant Commander. What Now?

India Killed Kashmir’s Top Militant Commander. What Now?

By Sudha Ramachandran
Naikoo’s elimination is a major victory at a critical time for India’s counterinsurgency forces.

South Asia’s Most Notorious Militant Groups

South Asia’s Most Notorious Militant Groups

By Sarmad Ishfaq
Ideology, organization, and public support: An analysis of the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Haqqani Network.
Pakistan Arrests Suspected Mastermind of 2008 Mumbai Attacks

Pakistan Arrests Suspected Mastermind of 2008 Mumbai Attacks

By Asim Tanveer
Why has Pakistan arrested Hafiz Saeed now?

The Hidden Failure of US-India Counterterrorism Cooperation

The Hidden Failure of US-India Counterterrorism Cooperation

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
While New Delhi is getting more diplomatic support for its position, it is doing little to change the threat Pakistan poses.
How Al-Qaeda Came to Kashmir

How Al-Qaeda Came to Kashmir

By Riyaz Wani
How a debate over Islamic martyrdom opened the door for al-Qaeda in Kashmir.

The Mullah-Military Takeover of Pakistan

The Mullah-Military Takeover of Pakistan

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
A Musharraf-Saeed alliance could provide the political face of the mullah-military takeover underway in Pakistan.

Hafiz Saeed’s Release Completes the Political Mainstreaming of Jihadists in Pakistan

Hafiz Saeed’s Release Completes the Political Mainstreaming of Jihadists in Pakistan

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The prime suspect of the Mumbai attacks can now personally spearhead the Islamist campaign for parliament.

2017 BRICS Summit: Post-Doklam, India, China Meet in Xiamen

2017 BRICS Summit: Post-Doklam, India, China Meet in Xiamen

By Pragya Pandey
The two sides displayed significant diplomatic maturity at the summit, creating space for cooperation.
Is Pakistan Finally Cracking Down on Lashkar-e-Taiba?

Is Pakistan Finally Cracking Down on Lashkar-e-Taiba?

By Syeda Kanwal Hassan
Alleged LeT leader Hafiz Muhammad Saeed is under house arrest. What does that mean for Pakistan's approach to extremism?

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