Leon Panetta

North Korea to Engage or Provoke?
By Clint Richards

North Korea Says US Trying to ‘Ignite a Nuclear War’
By Zachary Keck

Is the Afghan Army Prepared for 2015?
By Ankit Panda

Obama's Second Term Foreign Policy Plan
Will the “pivot” continue? Who will replace Hillary Clinton or David Petraeus? Questions are mounting.

The 18th Party Congress and Chinese Cyberpower
China’s leadership is changing. It’s cyber policies – at least in the short term – seem set.

The New Triangular Diplomacy: India, China and America at Sea
As both China and India rise as naval powers their interaction with the United States will truly be a defining feature in the Indo-Pacific region.

"We Are Already at War in Cyber Space."
The evidence is clear: cyber attacks can cause tremendous damage. Gail Harris shares her ‘cyber’ experience.
Taliban in India "Warning"
The Taliban’s praise for India’s “snubbing” of the U.S. should do nothing to put Indian minds at ease.

Why India Snubbed U.S.
The U.S. might hope for a closer military and strategic alliance with India. But don’t expect New Delhi to get excited about the proposal.

Panetta Asia Trip Takeaways
Leon Panetta was careful to argue in Asia the U.S. isn’t trying to contain China. Was he convincing?
America Hedges Bets on China
Whether it’s a pivot or a rebalancing, the U.S. clearly has its eyes on a rising China when making policy.

China's Triple Game?
Claims that China has assisted North Korea’s missile program raise questions over the course of Chinese policy.