Liberal Democratic Party

Japan’s New Cabinet Seeking Regional Cool-Down
By Clint Richards
Abe is renewing his push for bilateral meetings with regional leaders.

Key Misfire for Abe’s New Cabinet
By Clint Richards
LDP Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba appears to be gambling that Abe will be vulnerable by next year.

Polls Give Abe a Bump, But Not on Collective Self-Defense
By Clint Richards
Polls indicate dissatisfaction with Abe’s main policies, but lack of opposition probably means no change.

The TPP and Japanese Agriculture
By Mina Pollmann
The farm sector’s influence is on the wane in Japan, although you wouldn’t know it from the TPP talks.

Japan: De Facto Approval of Collective Self-Defense
By Clint Richards
Referencing its U.S. alliance at every step, the LDP sees no reason to pull back on normalization.

New Komeito Fighting Back on Collective Self-Defense
By Clint Richards
Japan’s ruling coalition appears no closer to Cabinet approval than when talks started last month.

Japan-North Korea Negotiations to Resume
By Clint Richards
Despite intense rhetoric, there is space for tactical concessions and further detente.

The Day After Abe’s Panel Report on Collective Self-Defense
By Clint Richards
The LDP has made its case for collective self-defense. Will coalition partner New Komeito influence the process?

Abe’s Next Steps Toward Collective Self-Defense
By Clint Richards
The LDP is seeking to unite the coalition government in order to enshrine collective self-defense by year’s end.

Powering the Future of Japan’s Industrial-Political Economy
By Melissa S Hersh and James E Platte
If the Japanese government wants to revive its nuclear power industry, it will need to engage with the public.

Shinzo Abe’s Biggest Enemy: the LDP
By Shunsuke Hirose
Internal party discord shows the narrative of Japan’s rightward shift under Abe is not as simple as it might appear.

Governor Inose, The Face of Tokyo’s 2020 Olympic Bid, Resigns Over Loan Scandal
By J.T. Quigley
Writer-turned-politician steps down after unreported $480,000 “personal” loan called into question.