

Will China Become More Active in Libya?

Will China Become More Active in Libya?

By Guy Burton
Will shifts in Libya's political sphere change China's approach to the country?
Where Does China Stand on the Libya Conflict?

Where Does China Stand on the Libya Conflict?

By Samuel Ramani
China's experiences in the last Libya conflict are informing its position this time around.

Indonesia and Libya are Restoring Ties in Post-Gaddafi Era

Indonesia and Libya are Restoring Ties in Post-Gaddafi Era

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
The Arab Spring caused a break in relations, but the two countries are on track in rebuilding their partnership.

Why Sanctions Won’t Stop North Korea

Why Sanctions Won’t Stop North Korea

By Jack Hands
Look to Libya in 2011 to see what Pyongyang’s elites have long understood.

North Korean MH17 Scenario Extremely Unlikely

North Korean MH17 Scenario Extremely Unlikely

By Clint Richards
Despite the U.S. banning its aircraft from Pyongyang airspace, the chances of a DPRK missile attack are remote.
Iraq Exposes Limits of China’s Non-Interference Policy

Iraq Exposes Limits of China’s Non-Interference Policy

By Oliver Bräuner
Like Libya and Sudan, the recent crisis in Iraq underscores the limits of China’s non-interference policy.

The Pitfalls to China’s Mideast Policy

The Pitfalls to China’s Mideast Policy

By Jeffrey Payne
China will realize that its presence in the region will cost more than planned and regularly ensnare it in conflict.
Could Iraq Be Another Libya for China?

Could Iraq Be Another Libya for China?

By Andrea Ghiselli
The crisis in Iraq again reveals the costs of China’s low military profile in the region.

North Korean Oil Tanker Intercepted by Libyan Navy

North Korean Oil Tanker Intercepted by Libyan Navy

By Ankit Panda
A North Korean oil tanker which docked at Libya's Es Sider port and loaded $36 million in crude has been intercepted.

Iran's Nuclear Deal and the Misuse of History

Iran's Nuclear Deal and the Misuse of History

The North Korean and Libyan nuclear diplomacy models have little in common with Iran today.

Why Technical Solutions Can’t Solve Nuclear Problems

Why Technical Solutions Can’t Solve Nuclear Problems

History has shown that only a US-Iranian rapprochement can provide a lasting solution to the nuclear issue.

With Friends Like These: China's 'Pariah' Problem

With Friends Like These: China's 'Pariah' Problem

Beijing’s ties with Iran, North Korea and position on the conflict in Syria undermine its global aspirations.

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