
Malaysia economy

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Why Khazanah Nasional Just Bailed Out Malaysia Airlines

Why Khazanah Nasional Just Bailed Out Malaysia Airlines

By James Guild
Sometimes the state has an interest in controlling firms in critical sectors like transportation, even if they are hemorrhaging money.
A Tale of Two State-Owned Oil and Gas Companies

A Tale of Two State-Owned Oil and Gas Companies

By James Guild
COVID-19 has presented state oil firms in Malaysia and Indonesia with widely divergent challenges.

Southeast Asian Economies Face Generational Downturn from COVID-19

Southeast Asian Economies Face Generational Downturn from COVID-19

By Sebastian Strangio
A new World Bank report predicts sharp economic contractions that could produce a wave of "new COVID poor."

Malaysia Begins to Ease COVID-19 Lockdown Despite Lingering Concerns

Malaysia Begins to Ease COVID-19 Lockdown Despite Lingering Concerns

By Associated Press
Businesses are reopening for the first time since the lockdown began on March 18, but critics worry the move has come too soon.

Malaysia Central Bank Cuts Key Rate Amid Coronavirus Outbreak and Political Turbulence

Malaysia Central Bank Cuts Key Rate Amid Coronavirus Outbreak and Political Turbulence

By Associated Press
Malaysia's central bank reduced its key overnight policy rate, citing worsening economic conditions.
What’s Next for Malaysia’s Meandering Economy in 2020?

What’s Next for Malaysia’s Meandering Economy in 2020?

By Shankaran Nambiar
A look ahead after a year when the economy seemed to be in a state of suspension.

What Do Malaysia’s APEC 2020 Priorities Mean for the Region and the Country?

What Do Malaysia’s APEC 2020 Priorities Mean for the Region and the Country?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the country’s focus areas within the context of its foreign policy and domestic politics.
Shankaran Nambiar on the State of New Malaysia’s Economy

Shankaran Nambiar on the State of New Malaysia’s Economy

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A conversation on the state of Malaysia’s economy under its new government, and the implications for domestic and foreign policy.

Scandal Rocks New Malaysia

Scandal Rocks New Malaysia

By Erin Cook
A sex scandal that erupted this week is just the latest issue that has confronted the new government.

Malaysia’s China Policy: The More Things Change…

Malaysia’s China Policy: The More Things Change…

By Li Xirui
…The more they stay the same.

Malaysia Counts the Costs of Its 1MDB Scandal

Malaysia Counts the Costs of Its 1MDB Scandal

By Luke Hunt
The new government's pursuit of justice is just beginning.
Malaysia’s Election: A Surprise Win For Reform

Malaysia’s Election: A Surprise Win For Reform

By Anthony Fensom
Putting aside the political fall-out, the economic implications could be huge.

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