
Malaysia South China Sea

Bridging Divides: Malaysia’s Middle Power Diplomacy in ASEAN’s Future

Bridging Divides: Malaysia’s Middle Power Diplomacy in ASEAN’s Future

By Khoo Ying Hooi
In a world increasingly defined by great power rivalries, Malaysia’s position as a middle power within ASEAN has never been more critical. 
Anwar Ibrahim Has a China Problem at Luconia Shoals

Anwar Ibrahim Has a China Problem at Luconia Shoals

By Ganesh Sahathevan
The repeated Chinese incursions in the country’s exclusive economic zone are a problem for Malaysia – and for the region as a whole.

Konfrontasi in the Skies

Konfrontasi in the Skies

By Moez Hayat and Ryan Ashley
China’s recent overflight has raised dormant Malaysian fears about the nation’s sovereignty over its Bornean territories.

Chinese Overflight Highlights Malaysia’s Need for a Stronger Military Deterrent

Chinese Overflight Highlights Malaysia’s Need for a Stronger Military Deterrent

By Adam Leong Kok Wey
The country will only face growing threats to its maritime sovereignty in the years to come.

Is Malaysia Really a ‘Maritime’ Nation?

Is Malaysia Really a ‘Maritime’ Nation?

By Adam Leong Kok Wey
Despite its close connection to the maritime domain, Malaysia still thinks and behaves strategically like a continental power.
What’s Behind Malaysia’s New South China Sea Missile Launches?

What’s Behind Malaysia’s New South China Sea Missile Launches?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the significance of a recent development within the Southeast Asian state’s approach.

Is New Malaysia’s China-US Balance Changing Under Mahathir?

Is New Malaysia’s China-US Balance Changing Under Mahathir?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though the new government is recalibrating its ties with Washington and Beijing, it is premature to conclude that major change is underway.
What’s Behind Malaysia’s New Defense White Paper Talk?

What’s Behind Malaysia’s New Defense White Paper Talk?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the one of the new government’s key priorities in the security realm.

What’s Next for Vietnam-Malaysia Military Ties?

What’s Next for Vietnam-Malaysia Military Ties?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at where defense ties are and where they are headed.

Should Malaysia Rename its Part of the South China Sea?

Should Malaysia Rename its Part of the South China Sea?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Public discussion of the proposal belies the challenges inherent in adopting it as well as Malaysia’s own approach to the question.

When Will Malaysia Get New Submarines?

When Will Malaysia Get New Submarines?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though the country continues to eye expanding its fleet, it remains a long way off from achieving that goal.
New Base Bid Spotlights Malaysia Coast Guard’s Old Resource Challenge

New Base Bid Spotlights Malaysia Coast Guard’s Old Resource Challenge

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The agency’s bid to boost its capabilities continues.

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