
The Dangers of Dog-Whistling to Extremists in the Maldives
By Mushfiq Mohamed
How “liberal” political actors in the Maldives dog-whistle violent extremists and why it matters.

Islamic State Terror in the Maldives as COVID-19 Arrives
By Azim Zahir
The Islamic State is exploiting the COVID–19 pandemic.

Modi Regaining Lost Opportunities in the Maldives and Sri Lanka
By Shishir Upadhyaya
India is once again presented with an opportunity to expand its military influence in the region.

Is China’s Belt and Road Initiative Undermining Human Rights?
By Abbas Faiz
The BRI has provided much-needed development, but it has also generated more authoritarianism.

The Maldives: The New Kid on the Islamist Block
By Siddharthya Roy
Unabated Islamist radicalism in the Maldives poses a unique challenge to India’s security focused foreign policy.

A New Chapter in India-Maldives Relations
By Vinay Kaura
With a change of leadership in Male, the Maldives have turned back to India.

India and the Maldives: Back on Track?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Recent changes have provided an opening for both sides to recalibrate ties.

Ibu Solih Is Sworn in as the Maldives' Next President
By Ankit Panda
Solih outlined an agenda for his first hundred days in office.

Reviewing the Fifth Inter-Korean Summit: Denuclearization, Military CBMs, and More
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
How long can Moon Jae-in keep the U.S.-North Korea diplomatic process on track?

The Maldives Election: A Renewed Chance for India?
By Jayesh Khatu
The victory of opposition leader Solih is an opportunity for India to regain influence in the Maldives.

India’s Role and China's Roads in the Indo-Pacific
By Bharath Gopalaswamy
Looking east and south, New Delhi’s attention is finally turning to Southeast Asia.

Welcome to the New Indian Ocean
By David Brewster
New players are creating a more multipolar and complex Indian Ocean environment