
Maritime Domain Awareness

How to Make the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness Work

How to Make the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness Work

By Jasmin Alsaied
If the U.S. truly wants to improve maritime domain awareness, it needs to engage partners through pre-established mechanisms and find ways to creatively deal with data management and information sharing obstacles.

France’s Defense Strategy in the Indo-Pacific

France’s Defense Strategy in the Indo-Pacific

By Jérémy Bachelier and Eric Frécon
Boosting Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) cooperation to ensure security has become a key aim for France in the region.
India’s Reach in Maritime Domain Awareness: A Hit or Miss for Sri Lanka?

India’s Reach in Maritime Domain Awareness: A Hit or Miss for Sri Lanka?

By Natasha Fernando
Given fears of Indian hegemonic designs, Sri Lanka has been cautious in engaging India for assistance in maritime security.

What Did the Latest US Asia Maritime Security Exercise Achieve?

What Did the Latest US Asia Maritime Security Exercise Achieve?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
This year’s iteration of SEACAT marked yet another step in Washington’s effort to expand its exercises in the Asia-Pacific.

New Philippines Radar System Spotlights US-ASEAN Maritime Security

New Philippines Radar System Spotlights US-ASEAN Maritime Security

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A new system transferred by Washington highlights its continued focus on enhancing regional maritime security in Southeast Asia.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Second-Hand Japanese P-3C Orions Might Be the Right Call for Vietnam

Second-Hand Japanese P-3C Orions Might Be the Right Call for Vietnam

By Ankit Panda
Is second-hand Japanese equipment the right option for Hanoi?

Will the Panama Papers Matter for Asian Leaders and Governments?

Will the Panama Papers Matter for Asian Leaders and Governments?

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran discuss the Panama Papers and U.S. defense policy in the Asia-Pacific.
Is India Prepared to Prevent Sea-Borne Terrorist Infiltration?

Is India Prepared to Prevent Sea-Borne Terrorist Infiltration?

By Ankit Panda
David Headley's testimony should remind Indian policymakers of the urgency of preventing sea-borne infiltrators.

Surveying India's Evolving Approach to Maritime Security

Surveying India's Evolving Approach to Maritime Security

By Ankit Panda
India's approach to maritime security, near and far, is changing. Scott Cheney-Peters joins Ankit Panda to discuss trends.

What is the Future of Naval Warfare?

What is the Future of Naval Warfare?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report attempts to shed light on how precision-guided weapons will impact future maritime battles.

Could Silicon Valley Change the Calculus in the South China Sea?

Could Silicon Valley Change the Calculus in the South China Sea?

By Scott Hartley
Silicon Valley startups are developing technologies that could bring greater transparency to a troubled region.
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