
Mekong River dams

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China Belatedly Notifies Mekong Nations of River Disruption

China Belatedly Notifies Mekong Nations of River Disruption

By Sebastian Strangio
The notification came several days after locals in Thailand detected a one-meter drop in the river's level.
Mekong Levels Reportedly Plummet Due to Chinese Dam Activity

Mekong Levels Reportedly Plummet Due to Chinese Dam Activity

By Sebastian Strangio
The level of the river in northern Thailand reportedly dropped by more than a meter in 48 hours.

The Flashpoints of Hun Sen’s Cambodia

The Flashpoints of Hun Sen’s Cambodia

By Luke Hunt
A conversation with Ou Virak about human rights, China's rise, and the plight of the Mekong River.

Thai Official Warns Laos on Power Purchases from Controversial Dam

Thai Official Warns Laos on Power Purchases from Controversial Dam

By Sebastian Strangio
The Thai concerns about the Sanakham dam come amid growing recognition of the dire state of the Mekong.

Amid Drought and Flooding, Cambodian Fish Catches, Exports Fall Precipitously

Amid Drought and Flooding, Cambodian Fish Catches, Exports Fall Precipitously

By Luke Hunt
Floods follow drought as dams, climate change and illegal fishing take their toll on Southeast Asia's mighty river.
Struggling With Drought on the Mekong

Struggling With Drought on the Mekong

By Luke Hunt
Climate change and dams combine to push water levels to record lows.

An Australian Law Student Sets an Example for the ASEAN Way

An Australian Law Student Sets an Example for the ASEAN Way

By Luke Hunt
How to reshape attitudes on issues ranging from the Asian haze to the Mekong River.
Are We Seeing the Mekong River's 'Last Days'?

Are We Seeing the Mekong River's 'Last Days'?

By Benjamin Zawacki
A book review of Last Days of the Mighty Mekong, Brian Eyler, Zed 2019.

The Trouble With the Lancang Mekong Cooperation Forum

The Trouble With the Lancang Mekong Cooperation Forum

By Shang-su Wu
The LMC was born from China’s unilateral dam building, but that same fact may also undermine the forum in the end.

Laos’ Dam Disaster May Not Be Its Last

Laos’ Dam Disaster May Not Be Its Last

By Tom Fawthrop
The cost-cutting and lack of oversight that led to the dam's collapse plague other hydropower projects across the country.

A Bright Future in Cambodia’s Energy Sector?

A Bright Future in Cambodia’s Energy Sector?

By Sabrina Gyorvary
Rather than ecologically harmful dams, Cambodia should explore solar power to fill its energy gap.
Why the Mekong River Commission Matters

Why the Mekong River Commission Matters

By Gabriella Neusner
Despite its limitations, the body is key to ongoing efforts to save one of the world’s largest and longest rivers.

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