
militarization of South China Sea

China’s South China Sea Anti-Ship Missile Tests Up the Stakes

China’s South China Sea Anti-Ship Missile Tests Up the Stakes

By Ankit Panda
The tests send a sharp message to the United States Navy.

China’s New Missiles in the Spratlys May be a Turning Point

China’s New Missiles in the Spratlys May be a Turning Point

By Steven Stashwick
There is no longer any reason for China to acknowledge the diplomatic fig leaf of Xi Jinping’s “militarization” assurance.
China Deploys Long-Range Anti-Ship and Anti-Air Missiles to Spratly Islands For First Time

China Deploys Long-Range Anti-Ship and Anti-Air Missiles to Spratly Islands For First Time

By Steven Stashwick
Missiles are unambiguous 'militarization' of disputed islands.

China Signaling it May Finally 'Militarize' the South China Sea Officially

China Signaling it May Finally 'Militarize' the South China Sea Officially

By Steven Stashwick
Response to U.S. warship reveals pretext for deployments to Spratly Islands bases.

Rocket System on Fiery Cross Reef Highlights Problem of Defining 'Militarization'

Rocket System on Fiery Cross Reef Highlights Problem of Defining 'Militarization'

By Steven Stashwick
Lack of a useful U.S. definition helps China deflect criticism.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

New Chinese Missile Installations in Spratlys?

New Chinese Missile Installations in Spratlys?

By Steven Stashwick
Structures might house long-range SAMs as China inches closer to "militarization" of islands.

New Weapons on China’s Artificial Islands Don’t Violate 'Non-Militarization' of South China Sea

New Weapons on China’s Artificial Islands Don’t Violate 'Non-Militarization' of South China Sea

By Steven Stashwick
Installation may raise tensions, but China has long excluded “necessary defense” from its pledge.
Vietnam Deploys Precision-Guided Rocket Artillery in South China Sea

Vietnam Deploys Precision-Guided Rocket Artillery in South China Sea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Hanoi has purportedly moved new mobile rocket launchers on bases in the disputed Spratly Islands.

Cuarteron Reef’s New Radar: The China Coast Guard’s Best New Toy?

Cuarteron Reef’s New Radar: The China Coast Guard’s Best New Toy?

By Steven Stashwick
Worry over the radar’s military implications should take a backseat to its civil uses.

Xi Jinping and Maritime Militarization

Xi Jinping and Maritime Militarization

By Greg Austin
Fuzzy “pink lines” in the water.

What US Intelligence Thinks About China’s Militarization of the South China Sea

What US Intelligence Thinks About China’s Militarization of the South China Sea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
In a letter, the head of the U.S. intelligence community offers insights into China’s activities in the South China Sea.
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