Myanmar Rohingya

Myanmar’s Shadow Government Promises Justice for Rohingya Atrocities
By Sebastian Strangio
But will the National Unity Government ever be in a position to implement its pledge?

Myanmar’s Democratic Vision Depends on Including Rohingya, Other Ethnic Minorities
By Wai Wai Nu
“We will never be free until all of us are free.”

Biden Administration to Probe Rohingya Genocide Claim
By Sebastian Strangio
What would it mean for the U.S. government to officially declare the Myanmar atrocities "genocide"?

What the Philippines Can Learn from Myanmar’s Election
By Mong Palatino
Lesson #1: Stinging international rebukes over human rights abuses do not necessarily translate into fewer votes.

Japan’s Kirin Suspends Payments to Myanmar Military Firm
By Sebastian Strangio
The move follows reports by human rights groups that MEHL has directly funded the commission of crimes against humanity.

Myanmar’s NLD Draws More Criticisms Ahead of National Poll
By Sebastian Strangio
Aung San Suu Kyi's government is weathering heavy criticism about the upcoming poll – but none of it is likely to matter on election day.

What Should ASEAN Do About the Rohingya Crisis?
By Sebastian Strangio
A new report from a regional human rights group urges the ten-member bloc to take a more holistic approach to the situation in western Myanmar.

Myanmar Elections Set to Exacerbate Erasure of the Rohingya Identity
By Kyaw Win and John Quinley III
A deeply flawed EU-funded election app exemplifies the tone-deaf approach of the international community.

Rights Group Details ‘Squalid and Abusive’ Conditions in Myanmar Camps
By Sebastian Strangio
A new report from Human Rights Watch details the inhumane conditions within Rakhine State's archipelago of internal displacement camps.

Myanmar Desertions Offer an Opening for Rohingya Justice
By Shannon Maree Torrens
The recent confessions of the two Myanmar army defectors bring justice one step closer to fruition.

Racism Is Fueling Myanmar’s Deadly Second Wave of COVID-19
By Andrew Nachemson
Anti-migrant -- and especially anti-Rohingya and anti-Rakhine -- sentiments are undermining efforts to control the pandemic.

3 Years After the Rohingya Exodus, No Peace and No Progress
By Onno Van Manen
Rohingya children’s futures hang in the balance.