
Najib Razak

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ASEAN Finds Its Voice on Islamic State

ASEAN Finds Its Voice on Islamic State

By Luke Hunt
The bloc has finally broken its silence. Can it now contribute to the fight against the terrorist outfit?
Can Malaysia Airlines Take Off Again?

Can Malaysia Airlines Take Off Again?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
After two disasters this year, the airline is restructuring. But will it be enough?

Malaysia’s Sedition Debate

Malaysia’s Sedition Debate

By Kirsten Han
As the government continues to wield the colonial-era legislation, opposition is mounting.

Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Must Contribute Against Islamic State

Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Must Contribute Against Islamic State

By Luke Hunt
A foreign-led coalition against IS must contain a large contingent from Muslim countries.

Malaysian Leaders Unite for Justice in MH17 Downing

Malaysian Leaders Unite for Justice in MH17 Downing

By Mong Palatino
Najib’s negotiations have resulted in widespread support for Malaysia’s position and its victims.
Malaysia’s Ruling Party Cracks Down on Homeless

Malaysia’s Ruling Party Cracks Down on Homeless

By Karam Singh Sethi
Is the closing down of homeless shelters in Kuala Lumpur to cleanse the capital’s ‘image’ the last straw for Malaysian citizens?

CARAT 2014: Advancing the US-Malaysia Partnership

CARAT 2014: Advancing the US-Malaysia Partnership

By Justin Goldman
A bilateral exercise highlights the growing cooperation between the US and Malaysian militaries.
A First for Malaysia: Prime Minister Sues Website for Libel

A First for Malaysia: Prime Minister Sues Website for Libel

By Mong Palatino
In a move that does much to undermine free speech in Malaysia, Najib takes aim at reader comments.

Flight 370 Continues to Echo in China-Malaysia Relations

Flight 370 Continues to Echo in China-Malaysia Relations

By Shannon Tiezzi
Disappointing news on the search for Flight 370 casts a pall over Najib Razak's visit to China.

Beholden to Bangkok: Dialogue in Thailand’s Deep South

Beholden to Bangkok: Dialogue in Thailand’s Deep South

By Franco Galdini
A Constitutional Court ruling on Yingluck Shinawatra today could imperil an already stuttering peace process.

Malaysian Press Selective in Reporting Obama’s Remarks

Malaysian Press Selective in Reporting Obama’s Remarks

By Luke Hunt
A compliant press hears only what it wants to hear during the US president’s recent visit.
Obama Won’t Meet Anwar, But Susan Rice Will

Obama Won’t Meet Anwar, But Susan Rice Will

By Joshua Kurlantzick
The US compromise will be likely to please nobody.

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