
Nanaia Mahuta

Who Will Be New Zealand’s Next Foreign Minister?

Who Will Be New Zealand’s Next Foreign Minister?

By Geoffrey Miller
Whatever the results of the October 14 election, get ready for some new faces.

New Zealand’s Foreign Policy Hardens Under New Leadership

New Zealand’s Foreign Policy Hardens Under New Leadership

By Geoffrey Miller
From Ukraine to New Zealand's own defense budget, the new Hipkins government is placing a stronger emphasis on security.
New Zealand Resets Relationships With Australia and India

New Zealand Resets Relationships With Australia and India

By Geoffrey Miller
New Prime Minister Chris Hipkins’ approach to foreign policy is starting to become clear.

New Zealand Under Pressure as Pacific Contest Heats Up

New Zealand Under Pressure as Pacific Contest Heats Up

By Geoffrey Miller
Nanaia Mahuta, New Zealand’s foreign minister, has come under increasing pressure as the geopolitical “Great Game” escalates in the Pacific.

New Zealand’s Conflicted China Strategy

New Zealand’s Conflicted China Strategy

By Geoffrey Miller
China strategy dominated New Zealand’s foreign policy year, but the government has yet to find a consistent position.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Decoding Nanaia Mahuta’s First Foreign Trip

Decoding Nanaia Mahuta’s First Foreign Trip

By Geoffrey Miller
New Zealand’s foreign minister is on her first trip overseas: a seven-country tour of Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, the UAE, Qatar, the U.S., and Canada.

COVID-19 Continues to Impact New Zealand’s Diplomacy

COVID-19 Continues to Impact New Zealand’s Diplomacy

By Geoffrey Miller
New Zealand’s latest COVID-19 outbreak has once again delayed the country’s return to top-level face-to-face diplomacy. That will have a cost.
Aotearoa New Zealand Faces the Future

Aotearoa New Zealand Faces the Future

By Anne-Marie Brady
The appointment of New Zealand’s first Maori foreign minister sends a clear message about its foreign policy priorities.

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