
natural gas

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What Azerbaijan and Central Asia Have in Common

By Casey Michel
Shared styles of government and pipeline interests bridge the Caspian, bringing Azerbaijan and Central Asia together.
Europe and Turkmenistan Make Nice

Europe and Turkmenistan Make Nice

By Paolo Sorbello
The completion of the East-West pipeline could allow Turkmen gas to be delivered to Europe in the near future.

Turkmen President Boosts Ties with Austria

By Catherine Putz
When it comes to energy, as with neutrality, Turkmenistan likes to keep its options open.

Europe Could Be Getting Turkmen Gas By 2020

Europe Could Be Getting Turkmen Gas By 2020

By Catherine Putz
Turkmenistan and Europe are keen to get the gas flowing, but it could just be a pipe dream.

With China's Help, the Iran-Pakistan Pipeline Might Finally Happen

With China's Help, the Iran-Pakistan Pipeline Might Finally Happen

By Ankit Panda
The long and complicated story of the pipeline that was ... and then wasn't ... and now might be.
A Breakthrough on the TAPI Pipeline?

A Breakthrough on the TAPI Pipeline?

By Micha’el Tanchum
India and Pakistan hint that progress has finally been made with Turkmenistan on the huge energy project.

Bangladesh: Asia's New Energy Superpower?

Bangladesh: Asia's New Energy Superpower?

By Jack Detsch
After a favorable UN settlement in June, Bangladesh stumbled upon a wealth of energy. Will investors buy in?
Central Asia’s Energy Rush

Central Asia’s Energy Rush

By Michał Romanowski
The region’s major powers are in a tussle to control its rich energy sources.

Asia’s Gas Blowout?

Asia’s Gas Blowout?

By Anthony Fensom
Demand for natural gas in the region has been booming. How much longer can it last?

DPRK Cruise Missiles and Energy Leverage

DPRK Cruise Missiles and Energy Leverage

By Clint Richards
North Korea’s relationship with Russia is improving as both seek to gain influence in Northeast Asia.

Why Kazakhstan Is Betting on a Green Future

Why Kazakhstan Is Betting on a Green Future

By Erlan Idrissov
Writing in The Diplomat, Kazakhstan's Foreign Minister argues that economics, not altruism, must drive the green revolution.
The Significance of the China-Russia Gas Deal

The Significance of the China-Russia Gas Deal

By Sarah Lain
Russia’s efforts to get the deal signed suggest that events in Ukraine have had an impact.

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