Nepal corruption

How Will Nepal’s Government Respond to Victims of Loan Sharks?
By Santosh Sharma Poudel
A former business partner of the home minister is wanted for embezzlement of funds of cooperatives.

Bhutanese Refugee Scam Rocks Nepal
By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Part one of a two-part series examines how Nepal’s political leaders fraudulently certified Nepali citizens as Bhutanese refugees to send them to the United States.

Bhutanese Refugee Scam Puts Nepal’s Political Leaders Under Scrutiny
By Prakash Neupane
Nepal is in an uproar over high-ranking politicians’ involvement in a scheme to fake refugee status for Nepalis hoping to move to the U.S.

COVID-19: Nepal in Crisis
By Peter Gill
The coronavirus crisis has brought to the fore -- and exacerbated -- a number of the Nepali state’s long-standing weaknesses.

Nepal’s Summer of Discontent
By Shraddha Pokharel
Young protesters in Nepal say “Enough is Enough” as the government struggles in its fight against COVID-19.

Popular Support Grows for Indicted Nepali Journalist
By Peter Gill
Rabi Lamichhane’s show confronts corruption; a former employee’s suicide has stirred a firestorm.

11 Years on, Has Nepal’s Republic Succeeded?
By Peter Gill
Pessimism about Nepal’s politics is common, despite significant changes since the declaration of the republic in 2008.
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