
New Silk Road

Why the Trump Administration’s Central Asia Strategy Improves Over Its Predecessors

Why the Trump Administration’s Central Asia Strategy Improves Over Its Predecessors

By S. Frederick Starr and Svante Cornell
U.S. Central Asia policy has room to improve, but the Trump administration is steering things on the right track.
China’s Belt and Road: A Reality Check

China’s Belt and Road: A Reality Check

By Richard Boucher
The Belt and Road makes China a player, but not the biggest nor the most dominant, in the game of international finance.

The New Silk Road Is Old: Why You Should Ignore Belt and Road Initiative Maps

The New Silk Road Is Old: Why You Should Ignore Belt and Road Initiative Maps

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Looking for good publications on the Belt and Road Initiative? Ignore the ones with maps. (Well, maybe not all.)

China: A ‘Strategic’ Threat?

China: A ‘Strategic’ Threat?

By Amitai Etzioni
The Pentagon’s latest National Defense Strategy rests on some shaky assumptions.

Why Afghanistan Should Join CPEC

Why Afghanistan Should Join CPEC

By Anurag Ram Chandran
Trilateral cooperation between Afghanistan, China, and Pakistan on the Belt and Road would benefit all three states.
Decoding Central Asia: What’s Next for the US Administration?

Decoding Central Asia: What’s Next for the US Administration?

By Michał Romanowski
A secure and stable Central Asia is in the interest of the United States.

Why China Is Interested in Ukraine

Why China Is Interested in Ukraine

By Olena Mykal
While many countries would like to be part of the Silk Road route, China has a strategic interest in Ukraine.
China’s Silk Road Belt Outpaces Russia’s Economic Union

China’s Silk Road Belt Outpaces Russia’s Economic Union

By Catherine Putz
Beijing’s economic endeavors in Central Asia are off to a better start than Russia’s. Don't expect that to damage ties.

Can China’s New Silk Road Save the Greek Economy?

Can China’s New Silk Road Save the Greek Economy?

By Gian Luca Atzori
China’s massive project has enormous implications for Greece, and Europe.

China’s European Century

China’s European Century

By Tilman Pradt
A Wikistrat crowdsourced simulation

America’s Society Is Wealthier Than China’s – And It Doesn’t Matter

America’s Society Is Wealthier Than China’s – And It Doesn’t Matter

By Christopher A. McNally and Denny Roy
The large gap in private wealth has limited significance.
Western Europe Is Missing the Boat on China’s Silk Road

Western Europe Is Missing the Boat on China’s Silk Road

By Sarah Lain
The opportunity is there, but will Western Europe seize it?

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