New Silk Road

Tajik Leader in China, Building Roads
By Catherine Putz
Dushanbe needs Chinese investment to fix its deteriorating highway system.

China: A Solution in the Middle East?
By David Lai and Noah Lingwall
China’s growing presence and lack of baggage could make it an effective player in the troubled region.

Eurasian Silk Road Union: Towards a Russia-China Consensus?
By Alexander Gabuev
The recent summit has gone a long way to confirming the Russia-China rapprochement.

Unequal Partners: China and Russia in Eurasia
By Anita Inder Singh
China and Russia are stepping up their collaboration, even as they compete for regional primacy.

Central Asia’s Future: Three Powers, Three Visions
By Jeffrey Mankoff and Richard Ghiasy
China, Russia and the U.S. each have visions to connect Central Asia with the rest of Eurasia.

China: A Bump in the Silk Road
By Cory Bender and James Chen
China’s grand plans for the region could be derailed without a change in approach.

The Case for Stronger India-China Economic Relations
By Ram Kumar Jha and Saurabh Kumar
Can Modi’s recent visit help India and China fulfill the bilateral economic potential?

China’s Growing Presence in Georgia
By Michael Cecire
China looks set to become a genuine player in Georgia and the South Caucasus.

China’s Grand Plan for Pakistan’s Infrastructure
By Jack Detsch
President Xi Jinping has inked a deal with Islamabad that could provide Beijing with direct access to the Indian Ocean.

An 'All Weather' Encounter: China's Xi Jinping Heads to Pakistan
By Ankit Panda
Chinese President Xi Jinping will head to Pakistan next week. What's on the agenda?

Just How Far Would China Go to Protect Its Citizens?
By Benjamin Shook
Recent crises raise some interesting questions about the strength of China’s non-interventionist principles.

What Is the US Policy for Central Asia?
By Casey Michel
A senior State Department official outlines Washington’s current policy for the region.