New Type Great Power Relations

Do the Anchorage Talks Represent a New Normal for US-China Relations?
By Shannon Tiezzi
The fiery stance from China’s diplomats signals they are willing to return perceived disrespect with more disrespect.

Trump-Xi Summit: Much Ado About Nothing?
By Shannon Tiezzi
The feel-good vibes from the meeting were drowned out amid questions regarding the U.S. strike on Syria.

Did China and the US Overreact to Tillerson's Remarks On US-China Relations?
By DD Wu
His description of U.S.-China relations brought too much optimism from China and too much criticism from the US.

Sebastian Rosato on the US-China 'Collision Course'
By Zhang Juan
Why the Notre Dame professor believes the U.S. and China cannot avoid security competition.

What Did Xi Jinping Say to Donald Trump?
By Han Ze
Reading between the lines of the Chinese president's message to his future U.S. counterpart.

Yes, the US Does Want to Contain China (Sort Of)
By Shannon Tiezzi
There isn't a strict policy of containment, but the sentiment remains.

Overcoming 'Abnormal Normality' in the US-China Relationship
By Jin Kai
Implemented properly, a "new type of great power relations" could help the U.S. and China reframe their relationship.

NSA Susan Rice in China: Rethinking 'New Type Great Power Relations'
By Shannon Tiezzi
Susan Rice's trip to China shows that Washington and Beijing have different goals for the relationship.

Only US Can Prevent Great Power War
By Alex Ward
The preconditions for a hegemonic war currently exist in the world, but the U.S. can still prevent one.

Has the Thucydidean Trap Already Sprung on China and the US?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Recent pessimism suggests that China and the U.S. are already well on the road to great power confrontation.

Why Reform Comes Slowly in China
By Yang Hengjun
Reform is like sailing upstream: if you’re not making progress, you’re going backwards.

China's Cautious Confidence
By Jin Kai
Despite perceptions of China's confidence, Beijing is actually quite careful about how it asserts itself.
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