New Zealand

New Zealand Confronts COVID Delta Wave
By Joshua Mcdonald
After living mostly COVID-free throughout the pandemic, New Zealand has hit its worst point since April 2020.

New Zealand’s Ardern Apologizes for Racist Dawn Raids
By Joshua Mcdonald
Ardern said it was clear that the immigration laws of the 1970s were designed to specifically target Pasifika people, indigenous peoples of the Pacific Islands.

Maori Connection to Antarctic May Predate European ‘Discovery’
By Joshua Mcdonald
New research links the Maori people to possibly discovering Antarctica long before Europeans and Americans.

Can New Zealand Fix Its Housing Crisis?
By Joshua Mcdonald
In the final quarter of 2020, 40 percent of all property sales in New Zealand were to people who owned multiple properties already.

Report Finds Lapses Ahead of 2019 New Zealand Mosque Attack
By Associated Press
Although the report identifies lapses, it concludes that there was no plausible way the gunman’s plans could have been detected "except by chance."

New Zealand Names Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence
By Grant Wyeth
Despite all the positive advances New Zealand has achieved, the prevalence of violence against women and children remains a persistent scourge.

Ardern Poised to Win Re-election in New Zealand.
By Joshua Mcdonald
Jacinda Ardern’s Labor Party is expected to come out far ahead in Saturday’s election, but may end up needing the Greens as a coalition partner.

New Zealand Mosque Shooter Won’t Speak at Court Sentencing
By Associated Press
Over the first three days of the hearing, 90 survivors and family members told the judge about the pain and aftermath of the attacks.

Despite Pandemic Slump, Foreign Buyers Maintain Share in New Zealand Housing Market
By Joshua Mcdonald
The New Zealand housing market slumps by 30 percent but foreign buyers maintain their market share.

Pacific Island Leaders Weigh Trans-Pacific Bubble With Australia and New Zealand
By Joshua Mcdonald
Some Pacific leaders support the proposal, while others have said it's way too soon.

New Zealand and Australia Begin Relaxing COVID-19 Restrictions
By Joshua Mcdonald
Australia and New Zealand have begun easing restrictions and are discussing the possibility of a “COVID-safe travel zone” between the two countries.

New Zealand Marks Year Since Christchurch Massacre
By Joshua Mcdonald
A year on from the Christchurch massacre -- what has New Zealand done to prevent further attacks?