
North Korea Missile Test

North Korea Launches 1 Ballistic Missile

North Korea Launches 1 Ballistic Missile

By Mitch Shin
Four days after it launched four SRBMs, North Korea again fired a missile into the sea to its east.

North Korea Conducts 4th Round of Ballistic Missile Tests Within a Week

North Korea Conducts 4th Round of Ballistic Missile Tests Within a Week

By Mitch Shin
North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles into the ocean off its east coast on Saturday.
Kim Jong Un Convenes 3rd Enlarged Meeting of WPK’s Military Commission

Kim Jong Un Convenes 3rd Enlarged Meeting of WPK’s Military Commission

By Mitch Shin
Kim Jong Un discussed major agendas of his country’s military with his officials, raising speculation that a seventh nuclear test is imminent.

North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile for Reconnaissance Satellite Test

North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile for Reconnaissance Satellite Test

By Mitch Shin
Four days before the South Korean presidential election, North Korea conducted an “important” second reconnaissance satellite test – its second in a week. 

North Korea Tests Longest-Range Missile Since 2017

North Korea Tests Longest-Range Missile Since 2017

By Kim Tong-Hyung and Mari Yamaguchi
North Korea ended its most active month of missile tests to date by launching an intermediate-range ballistic missile.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

After Resuming Trade With China, North Korea Fires Another 2 Ballistic Missiles

After Resuming Trade With China, North Korea Fires Another 2 Ballistic Missiles

By Mitch Shin
A day after a North Korean train crossed the border to get goods from China, the country conducted its fourth missile test in two weeks.  

North Korea Fires ‘Apparent’ Hypersonic Missile Off Its East Coast

North Korea Fires ‘Apparent’ Hypersonic Missile Off Its East Coast

By Mitch Shin
North Korea conducted a hypersonic missile test again on Tuesday, six days after it test-fired its second hypersonic missile.
Biden’s Korea Policy Faces Its First Test

Biden’s Korea Policy Faces Its First Test

By Bruce Klingner
After laying the groundwork during Asia travel by the secretaries of state and defense, the administration now must respond to the first provocation from North Korea.

North Korea: Missile Test Was ‘Solemn Warning’ to South

North Korea: Missile Test Was ‘Solemn Warning’ to South

By Foster Klug and Hyung-Jin Kim
Pyongyang has made the meaning of its latest missile test explicit.

North Korea’s ICBM Test, Byungjin, and the Economic Logic

North Korea’s ICBM Test, Byungjin, and the Economic Logic

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
North Korean leaders are gambling that increased sanctions will do little to harm a slowly growing economy.

North Korea Crisis Hits Asia’s Biggest Economies

North Korea Crisis Hits Asia’s Biggest Economies

By Anthony Fensom
Heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula are already impacting regional economies.
North Korea Continues Its Streak of Messing Things Up for China

North Korea Continues Its Streak of Messing Things Up for China

By Kerry Brown
With friends like these, who needs enemies?

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