
North Korea

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What Does Trump Mean When Alluding to a North Korean 'Missile Test' Freeze?

What Does Trump Mean When Alluding to a North Korean 'Missile Test' Freeze?

By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration should sweat the details on North Korea's ballistic missile testing freeze assurances.
8 Questions the Trump Administration Must Answer Before the Summit With Kim Jong-un

8 Questions the Trump Administration Must Answer Before the Summit With Kim Jong-un

By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration must prepare for a historic summit.

We Don't Have a Korean Peninsula Denuclearization 'Breakthrough' Just Yet

We Don't Have a Korean Peninsula Denuclearization 'Breakthrough' Just Yet

By Ankit Panda
North Korea has to say what it's willing to do. It's not enough for South Korea to speak on Pyongyang's behalf.

US, South Korea to Negotiate Alliance Cost-Sharing

US, South Korea to Negotiate Alliance Cost-Sharing

By Ankit Panda
The talks for a new SMA come at a sensitive time for the alliance.

Kim Jong-un's Winter Olympics Ruse

Kim Jong-un's Winter Olympics Ruse

By Davis Florick
Why Seoul and the international community should not fall for Kim Jong-un’s propaganda ploy.
China and the United States Worry About Each Other Missile Defense Intentions. So Why Not Talk?

China and the United States Worry About Each Other Missile Defense Intentions. So Why Not Talk?

By Ankit Panda
China worries U.S. missile defenses will take out its strategic deterrent. The U.S. worries about antisatellite capabilities.

The Wisdom of Moscow’s Equidistant Koreas Policy

The Wisdom of Moscow’s Equidistant Koreas Policy

By Anthony V. Rinna
The Kremlin's balanced Koreas policy contrasts with that of its two great power peers, China and the United States.
North Korea's Syrian Connection

North Korea's Syrian Connection

By Samuel Ramani
North Korea has consistently been one of Syria’s closest international allies since the start of the civil war.

Trump Administration Announces 'Largest North Korea-Related Sanctions Tranche', Focused on Disrupting Illicit Shipping

Trump Administration Announces 'Largest North Korea-Related Sanctions Tranche', Focused on Disrupting Illicit Shipping

By Ankit Panda
The U.S. "maximum pressure" campaign continues with additional sanctions measures.

Korean Peace Olympics or Game of Thrones?

Korean Peace Olympics or Game of Thrones?

By Bruce Klingner
After the Olympics-era inter-Korean warmth comes to an end, the peninsula will have to return to the real world.

Japan and Norway: Elevated Economic, Geopolitical and Gender Equality Cooperation on the Horizon

Japan and Norway: Elevated Economic, Geopolitical and Gender Equality Cooperation on the Horizon

By Wrenn Yennie Lindgren and Petter Y. Lindgren
Bilateral ties between Tokyo and Oslo are set to converge, with multiple areas for cooperation.
Moon’s PyeongChang Propaganda Coup

Moon’s PyeongChang Propaganda Coup

By Ramon Pacheco Pardo
Seoul brought Pyongyang in from the cold for the Olympics, putting President Moon at the helm of peninsular affairs.

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