
North South Transport Corridor (INSTC)

Is There a Future for Central Asia’s Indian Ocean Transport Projects?

Is There a Future for Central Asia’s Indian Ocean Transport Projects?

By Eldaniz Gusseinov
The viability of the projects depends on the region's ability to navigate geopolitical tensions, security challenges, and economic uncertainties.
The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Intense competition, epitomized by competing “corridors,” is emerging in Asia and beyond between the U.S., China, and Russia. 

India in the Caucasus and Central Asia: The Giant Next Door

India in the Caucasus and Central Asia: The Giant Next Door

By Oleg Abdurashitov and Eldaniz Gusseinov
The shift from a security-focused engagement to broader cooperation with the Caucasus and Central Asian states underscores India’s pursuit of strategic depth.

Russia Expands Oil Trade South via Afghanistan, Seeking Warm Water Ports

Russia Expands Oil Trade South via Afghanistan, Seeking Warm Water Ports

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Afghanistan is emerging as a key transit point for Russian oil as the Kremlin seeks to establish new trade routes to Asia and the Middle East.

Why the Middle Corridor Is a Double-Edged Sword

Why the Middle Corridor Is a Double-Edged Sword

By Seamus Duffy
Europe is pushing hard to advance the Middle Corridor, but other countries like China, Russia, Iran, and Azerbaijan will almost certainly benefit from the infrastructure being built.
Amid War and Uncertainty, India’s Middle East Interests Evolve

Amid War and Uncertainty, India’s Middle East Interests Evolve

By Seamus Duffy
If New Delhi cannot insulate itself from the ongoing Israeli-Iranian tensions, then no amount of hedging or switching between strategic initiatives will bring its ambitions to fruition. 

India’s Stake in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict 

India’s Stake in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict 

By Seamus Duffy
Armenia is a crucial player in the planned International North-South Transportation Corridor. Its defeat will require India to adjust its strategy for the South Caucasus.
INSTC: Pipeline Dream or a Counterweight to Western Sanctions and China’s BRI? 

INSTC: Pipeline Dream or a Counterweight to Western Sanctions and China’s BRI? 

By Nima Khorrami
There is revived talk about the International North South Transport Corridor, but can the project overcome divergences between India, Iran, and Russia?

The High Costs of India’s INSTC Ambitions

The High Costs of India’s INSTC Ambitions

By Seamus Duffy
The country risks being pulled into the middle of ongoing tensions between the West and Israel on the one hand and Iran on the other. 

Russia-Ukraine War: Implications for Asian Geoeconomics

Russia-Ukraine War: Implications for Asian Geoeconomics

By Ali Ahmadi
As the war and resulting sanctions redraw trade maps in Asia, Iran stands to be the primary beneficiary.

Is China Hitting Back at India’s INSTC Plans?

Is China Hitting Back at India’s INSTC Plans?

By Nima Khorrami
A recent trip by China’s defense minister featured key stops on the planned International North South Transport Corridor, India’s answer to the Belt and Road.
What Will Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Mean for China’s Belt and Road?

What Will Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Mean for China’s Belt and Road?

By Mohammadbagher Forough
Exploring the geoeconomic implications for the BRI and other Eurasian economic and infrastructure initiatives.

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