Nur Otan

Hopes for Renewal Disappointed Again in Kazakhstan
By Paolo Sorbello
Political manipulations stripped the people of the choice they were promised in Kazakhstan’s latest parliamentary election.

Low Turnout and a Victory for Kazakhstan’s Ruling Party in Parliamentary Polls
By Catherine Putz
Despite hundreds of independent self-nominated candidates, Kazakhstan’s new parliament will much resemble its former self.

Nur Otan No More? Kazakhstan’s Ruling Party Rebrands as ‘Amanat’
By Catherine Putz
De-Nazarbayevification continues with the renaming of the ruling Nur Otan party to “Amanat.”

Tokayev Urges Balancing of Nazarbayev’s Shortcomings and Merits
By Catherine Putz
“Let us pay tribute to the historical merits of the first president… and leave possible miscalculations as a warning to the future leaders of our country," Tokayev said.

Kazakhstan v. Alnur Ilyashev: Punishing Dissent in Ways Old and New
By Catherine Putz
Repression via technical glitch - that’s new.

Elections in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan: What Next?
By Ankit Panda
A presidential election in Kyrgyzstan and a parliamentary election in Kazakhstan kick off 2021 in Central Asia.

Dariga Nazarbayeva Headed Back to Parliament
By Catherine Putz
The first president’s daughter is on the list of 76 deputies Nur Otan aims to seat in the new parliament.

Nur Otan Tops Kazakh Parliamentary Election That ‘Lacked Genuine Competition’
By Catherine Putz
The new Kazakh parliament will, at least numerically, look very much like the previous iteration.

Election Campaign Kicks Off Slow in Kazakhstan
By Paolo Sorbello
After some initial commotion in the political environment, the parliamentary race folded back into a roll-call of loyalists.

Date Set for Kazakhstan’s Parliamentary Elections
By Catherine Putz
If the past sets any precedent, we can expect an overwhelming win for Nur-Otan - the ruling party headed by First President Nursultan Nazarbayev

Kazakhstan's Ever-Shrinking Political Arena
By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan’s political arena has little room for new parties or old foes.

Meet Kazakhstan's New Parliament, Same as the Old Parliament
By Catherine Putz
Exit polls point to an overwhelming Nur Otan victory, not that anyone expected anything else.
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