

On Nuclear Summit Sidelines, US, South Korea, and Japan Stand Against North Korea

On Nuclear Summit Sidelines, US, South Korea, and Japan Stand Against North Korea

By Ankit Panda
Obama, Park, and Abe emphasized their common position on North Korea's recent nuclear provocations.
Americans Are Worried About China, But the Reasons Why Might Surprise You

Americans Are Worried About China, But the Reasons Why Might Surprise You

By Ankit Panda
Americans see a range of problems in U.S.-China relations--some with good reason, others less so.

Why the US Is Trying to Squash China's New Development Bank

Why the US Is Trying to Squash China's New Development Bank

By Zachary Keck
The U.S. has been lobbying Asian nations to persuade them to reject China's Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates Slams Obama's Leadership

Former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates Slams Obama's Leadership

By Ankit Panda
Minimum credible deterrence in South Asia, India-Japan relations, and Chinese parts in the F-35. Mid-week links.

APAC's Weekly Agenda: April 29-May 5

APAC's Weekly Agenda: April 29-May 5

The Diplomat presents its weekly list of happenings in the Asia-Pacific. Get the scoop on what’s ahead this week.

Four More Years for Obama? President-Elect Romney?

Four More Years for Obama? President-Elect Romney?

Who do you think will win America’s Presidential contest tomorrow? Share your thoughts…

Afghanistan: Why America's Longest War is NOT a Campaign Issue

Afghanistan: Why America's Longest War is NOT a Campaign Issue

U.S. forces are drawing down in Afghanistan and concluding the longest war in its history. Why is such an important issue being forgotten?

"Established Power" vs. "Rising Power"

"Established Power" vs. "Rising Power"

While in China, U.S. Secretary of State Clinton dares to ask what may be the 21st century’s toughest question.

"Silly Season" on Both Sides of the Pacific

"Silly Season" on Both Sides of the Pacific

In Beijing and Washington, election politics are creating lots of tough talk.

Obama's 'Flat-Footed' Pivot

If the U.S. wants to successfully ‘pivot’ to Asia, the Obama Administration needs a more consistent approach.

Are Obama's Iran Sanctions A Ruse?

Are Obama's Iran Sanctions A Ruse?

While no doubt painful for Tehran, U.S. sanctions are riddled with exemptions and may be in place mostly to sideline hawks, writes Robert Dreyfus.

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