Obama visit to Vietnam

Vietnam's Quiet Human Rights Crisis
By Bennett Murray
A dearth of coverage, competing global interests, and an omnipresent police state render violations largely unnoticed.

US Arms Sales to Vietnam: A Military Analysis
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Will U.S. arms sales to Vietnam alter the military balance in the South China Sea?

The Potential Pitfalls of US-Vietnam Rapprochement
By Er-Win Tan
Washington must carefully calibrate its approach to Vietnam to avoid inflaming regional tensions.

Obama's Warm Welcome in Vietnam
By Huong Le
Vietnamese people greet Obama with a frenzy, but the change they seek remains far-reached.

For Russia, US Lifting Vietnam Arms Embargo Will Not Affect Military Exports
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A Russian official thinks that the lifting of the arms embargo will not ‘affect the export of Russian weapons.'

China and the US Court Vietnam
By Cal Wong
"Both the U.S. and Vietnam expect greater levels of military cooperation, to the chagrin of China."

The Case for Lifting the US Vietnam Arms Embargo
By Prashanth Parameswaran
There is a strong case for a full lifting of the ban sooner rather than later.

Amid Protests, Vietnamese Look to Obama's Visit
By Duyen Bui
Vietnam's people hope Obama will voice support for their calls to remedy an environmental disaster.
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