
Pakistan blasphemy laws

A First-hand Run-in With Pakistan’s Dangerous Blasphemy Obsession

A First-hand Run-in With Pakistan’s Dangerous Blasphemy Obsession

By Fizza Abbas
A public altercation over a shawl made me confront the blasphemy laws of Pakistan head-on.
Jaranwala Church Attacks Another Example of the Misuse of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan

Jaranwala Church Attacks Another Example of the Misuse of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan

By Bilal Ahmad Tantray
As in so many cases in the past, the blasphemy accusations at the heart of the violence apparently stemmed from a personal grudge.

Religious Intolerance is Burning Pakistan

Religious Intolerance is Burning Pakistan

By Mariyam Suleman Anees
The recent mob violence against Christian minorities in Punjab province is just the latest reminder of how deep and wide the roots of religious intolerance have grown.

Muslim Mobs Attack Churches in Pakistan After Accusing Christians of Desecrating the Quran

Muslim Mobs Attack Churches in Pakistan After Accusing Christians of Desecrating the Quran

By Asim Tanveer and Munir Ahmed
A death sentence for blasphemy has never been carried out. But often, an accusation alone can trigger riots and incite mobs to violence.

Chinese National Arrested on Blasphemy Charges in Pakistan

Chinese National Arrested on Blasphemy Charges in Pakistan

By Riaz Khan
The accusation emerged from a workplace spat where the Chinese national objected to local workers taking too much time to pray.
An Alarming New Bill Takes Aim at Pakistan’s Shias

An Alarming New Bill Takes Aim at Pakistan’s Shias

By Asad Gokal and Jaffer A. Mirza
Pakistan is strengthening  its controversial anti-blasphemy laws – with potentially deadly results for religious minority groups.

Pakistan Blocks Wikipedia, Says It Hurt Muslim Sentiments

Pakistan Blocks Wikipedia, Says It Hurt Muslim Sentiments

By Munir Ahmed
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority says it blocked Wikipedia because a 48-hour deadline to remove content  it said was blasphemous was ignored.
Pakistan Continues to Exhibit Gory ‘Islamophobia’ Against Ahmadis

Pakistan Continues to Exhibit Gory ‘Islamophobia’ Against Ahmadis

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Pakistan is indubitably more phobic of the Ahmadiyya sect, and their interpretation of Islam, than most of the states that Khan vocally deems “Islamophobic.”

Blasphemy Killing Could Cast a Shadow on Pakistan’s Economy

Blasphemy Killing Could Cast a Shadow on Pakistan’s Economy

By Umair Jamal
Why would foreign investors want to visit Pakistan if they could get lynched on accusations of blasphemy?

How South Asia’s Brand of Sufi Islam Became Radicalized

How South Asia’s Brand of Sufi Islam Became Radicalized

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Radical Barelvi groups are now resorting to violence to underline their sect – once famous for its pluralism – as the truest version of Islam.

Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law Clearly Doesn’t Protect Hinduism

Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law Clearly Doesn’t Protect Hinduism

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The mockery of Hindu deities underscores Pakistan’s Islamist double standard on blasphemy.
What Role Does the State Play in Pakistan’s Anti-Shia Hysteria?

What Role Does the State Play in Pakistan’s Anti-Shia Hysteria?

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Recent anti-Shia demonstrations in Karachi raise uncomfortable questions about the possible involvement of the Pakistani establishment.

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