Pakistan Kashmir policy
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The Real Reason Bajwa Was Appointed Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff
By Bahauddin Foizee
Is the selection of General Bajwa intended to fulfill China’s CPEC dream?

Kashmir: India’s Failed Gambit
By Muhammad Daim Fazil
Ongoing unrest underlines India's failure to resolve the Kashmir question

The Uri Attack and the Civil-Military Divide in Pakistan’s Kashmir Policy
By Ahsan Yousaf Chaudhary
Since its founding, Pakistan's civilian and military leaders have clashed over how to resolve the Kashmir issue.

Uri Attack: Why Pakistan Needs to Denounce Armed Jihad
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Pakistan's continued support of jihadists group will eventually undermine the country's economic lifeline.

Pakistan’s Failed Kashmir Policy
By Umair Jamal
"Pakistan’s decades-long policy of naked meddling in Indian administrated Kashmir has complicated the problem further."
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