
Pakistan military

Pakistan’s New Cabinet Indicates Military’s Influence

Pakistan’s New Cabinet Indicates Military’s Influence

By Umair Jamal
Key ministries have been assigned to those the establishment deems reliable.

Confusion Reigns in Pakistan as PML-N and PPP Attempt to Form Government

Confusion Reigns in Pakistan as PML-N and PPP Attempt to Form Government

By Umair Jamal
The big question is who will be the new prime minister? Both parties have their eyes on the top prize.
Post-Election Pakistan Is on a Knife-Edge

Post-Election Pakistan Is on a Knife-Edge

By Abdul Basit
The three main political parties must evolve a political consensus through a grand dialogue.

Ex-Pakistani Premier Nawaz Sharif Strikes Confident Note in Vote Marred by Rival’s Imprisonment

Ex-Pakistani Premier Nawaz Sharif Strikes Confident Note in Vote Marred by Rival’s Imprisonment

By Riazat Butt and Munir Ahmed
Interestingly, his jailed rival Imran Khan’s supporters showed up in large numbers in Sharif’s traditional stronghold of Lahore.

How the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Strengthened Pakistan’s Military Deep State

How the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Strengthened Pakistan’s Military Deep State

By Dhruv Banerjee
The invasion sparked an internationally supported process of militarization and Islamization that cemented the military's power.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Nawaz Sharif Returns to Pakistan: The Army Playing a Safe Bet?

Nawaz Sharif Returns to Pakistan: The Army Playing a Safe Bet?

By Rishi Gupta
The army seems to have given a green signal to Nawaz Sharif to become the face of forthcoming general elections in Pakistan.

What Nawaz Sharif’s Return to Pakistan Means

What Nawaz Sharif’s Return to Pakistan Means

By Umair Jamal
It signals a fair level of confidence in upcoming elections being fair and inclusive, and that he will be treated fairly by the courts.
Where Does Pakistan’s Democracy Go From Here? 

Where Does Pakistan’s Democracy Go From Here? 

By Ailia Zehra
Last year, Imran Khan’s ouster and the end of the “hybrid regime” briefly gave hope to those seeking true democracy in Pakistan. But the military managed to further consolidate its grip on power. 

Pakistan’s Outdated Counter­terrorism Framework Requires Major Revamp

Pakistan’s Outdated Counter­terrorism Framework Requires Major Revamp

By Abdul Basit
Talks with the TTP, for example, allowed some factions to return to Pakistan and gain legitimacy as well.

Is the Worst Yet to Come for Imran Khan?

Is the Worst Yet to Come for Imran Khan?

By Umair Jamal
As things stand, it seems neither Khan nor his political party will be permitted to contest elections.

Frankenstein’s Monster: Pakistan’s Military and Imran Khan

Frankenstein’s Monster: Pakistan’s Military and Imran Khan

By Muhammad A. Basit
The Pakistani military supported and nurtured Imran Khan, but later realized it was a failed experiment. 
Implications of Pakistan’s Terror Tagging of Political Opponents

Implications of Pakistan’s Terror Tagging of Political Opponents

By Abdul Basit
Charging political protestors under counterterrorism laws, even as extremist outfits are allowed to march in support of the military, will undermine Pakistan’s democracy.

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