Pakistan military
Pakistan’s Twitter Crackdown
By Tehreem Azeem
Why is Twitter sending notices to journalists and human rights activists in Pakistan?
Time for the US to Stop Supporting Pakistan’s Military Rule
By Mark Hannah
U.S. aid to Pakistan's military has helped keep civilian governments in the country weak.
Taha Siddiqui on Pakistan’s Muzzled Media
By Aaquib Khan
The well-known journalist is living in exile after narrowly escaping an abduction attempt by gunmen.
Malaysia-Pakistan Military Ties in the Headlines With Navy Chief Visit
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Both sides continue to explore opportunities to advance their defense ties despite the challenges.
Why China Won't Be Glad to See US-Pakistan Relations Take a Nosedive in 2018
By Ankit Panda
China sees more of a challenge than an opportunity in the ongoing U.S.-Pakistan tiff.
Journalists in Balochistan: Caught Between the Devil and Deep Blue Sea
By Shah Meer Baloch
Insurgents and security forces alike are targeting Balochistan's reporters.
Sharif Disqualification to Worsen Civilian-Military Relations in Pakistan
By Daud Khattak
Pakistan's former prime minister argued the case against him was a conspiracy backed by the military's "hidden hand."
Pakistan Raises Defense Spending
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Pakistan is slated to increase its defense budget by around 7 percent in fiscal year 2017-2018.
Pakistan’s New Main Battle Tank? Turkey’s Altay Tank Enters Mass Production
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Turkey’s new third generation+ main battle tank has passed all acceptance tests, a Turkish defense contractor claims.
Pakistan’s (Non-Nuclear) Plan to Counter ‘Cold Start’
By Meenakshi Sood
Tactical nuclear weapons get most of the attention, but Islamabad is also building up conventional capabilities.
Will Pakistan Buy Russia’s S-400 Missile Air Defense System?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Pakistan military is purportedly toying with the idea of procuring the S-400 missile air defense system.
Raheel Sharif's Legacy in Pakistan
By Hamzah Rifaat Hussain
General Raheel Sharif leaves behind a legacy that his successor should emulate.