Pakistan politics

Nawaz Sharif Returns to Pakistan: The Army Playing a Safe Bet?
By Rishi Gupta
The army seems to have given a green signal to Nawaz Sharif to become the face of forthcoming general elections in Pakistan.

Pakistan Court Grants Ex-PM Nawaz Sharif Protection From Arrest – For a Time
By Munir Ahmed
The ruling paves the way for Sharif to return home after four years of self-exile in the United Kingdom.

What Nawaz Sharif’s Return to Pakistan Means
By Umair Jamal
It signals a fair level of confidence in upcoming elections being fair and inclusive, and that he will be treated fairly by the courts.

Lawyers of Imran Khan Oppose His Closed-Door Trial Over Revealing Official Secrets
By Munir Ahmed
Khan's lawyers say the closed trial is a gambit to ensure a quick conviction and sentencing of the former premier ahead of parliamentary elections.

Pakistani Court Suspends Corruption Conviction and Sentence of Former Prime Minister Imran Khan
By Munir Ahmed
The ruling clears the way for Khan to participate in the next general elections – unless he is convicted in a retrial or any of the many other legal cases against him.

Imran Khan’s Many Missed Opportunities
By Raja Qaiser Ahmed and Muhammad Shoaib
Khan missed the chance to make his support base democratic and republican – and thereby transform himself into a true political force to reckon with.

What Does Pakistan’s New Caretaker Prime Minister Mean for Balochistan?
By Kiyya Baloch
Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar is from the troubled province, but he has consistently supported giving the military free rein in Balochistan.

Pakistan’s Path to Climate Action Needs Strong Political Leadership
By Abdul Waheed Bhutto
Political leaders must demonstrate strong commitment, empower local bodies, and engage communities as partners in the fight against climate change.

Dozens of Followers of Pakistan’s Imran Khan Quit His Party
By Munir Ahmed
They have launched a new party called Tehreek-e-Insaf Parliamentarians ahead of elections.

The Islamist Threat Bordering Pakistan’s Political Crisis
By Samaya Anjum
The prospect of Islamist organizations toppling the state remains remote. But the real threat is the violence and destruction they might perpetrate in the process.

Is the Worst Yet to Come for Imran Khan?
By Umair Jamal
As things stand, it seems neither Khan nor his political party will be permitted to contest elections.

Frankenstein’s Monster: Pakistan’s Military and Imran Khan
By Muhammad A. Basit
The Pakistani military supported and nurtured Imran Khan, but later realized it was a failed experiment.