
Pathankot Attack

What’s Important About the Indian Parliament Security Breach

What’s Important About the Indian Parliament Security Breach

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite a history of terrorist attacks and other security concerns, the culture of security appears to be still wanting when it comes to critical infrastructure. 
Uri and Pathankot: Defending India's Defense Establishments

Uri and Pathankot: Defending India's Defense Establishments

By Arjun Sreekumar
India's military installations are increasingly targets for terror attacks. How can Delhi defend its soldiers?

Uri Attack: Why Pakistan Needs to Denounce Armed Jihad

Uri Attack: Why Pakistan Needs to Denounce Armed Jihad

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Pakistan's continued support of jihadists group will eventually undermine the country's economic lifeline.

Gurdaspur, Pathankot, and Now Uri: What Are India's Options?

Gurdaspur, Pathankot, and Now Uri: What Are India's Options?

By Ankit Panda
Once again, Indian officials are blaming Pakistan for a terrorist attacks. What options does Delhi have?

Why Peace Talks Between India and Pakistan Fell Apart Once Again

Why Peace Talks Between India and Pakistan Fell Apart Once Again

By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat‘s Ankit Panda and Akhilesh Pillalamarri discuss the April 2016 collapse of peace talks between India and Pakistan.
India-Pakistan Peace: Hijacked Again

India-Pakistan Peace: Hijacked Again

By Muhammad Daim Fazil
Once again, specific issues in the India-Pakistan relationship have derailed general peace talks.

Post-Pathankot Attack, Pakistani Investigative Team Arrives in India

Post-Pathankot Attack, Pakistani Investigative Team Arrives in India

By Ankit Panda
Three months after January's terror attack, a Pakistani investigative team is visiting Pathankot Air Base.
US Presidential Candidates Must Think Strategically About South Asia

US Presidential Candidates Must Think Strategically About South Asia

By James Carafano and Lisa Curtis
What the next U.S. president needs to consider when shaping a South Asia policy.

The Key to Understanding the Pathankot Attack

The Key to Understanding the Pathankot Attack

By Hamzah Rifaat
The attacks at Pathankot are best understood as a tactical maneuver by spoilers in Pakistan.

Pakistan and North Korea’s Nuclear Extortion

Pakistan and North Korea’s Nuclear Extortion

By Seth Oldmixon
Two troubled countries. Two similar strategies.

The Pathankot Airbase Attack and the Future of India-Pakistan Relations

The Pathankot Airbase Attack and the Future of India-Pakistan Relations

By Sumit Kumar
Events in the wake of the attack leave some room for hope.
The Pathankot Attack and India-Pakistan Ties in 2016

The Pathankot Attack and India-Pakistan Ties in 2016

By Ankit Panda
8 days after Narendra Modi left Lahore, militants attack an Indian Air Force base.

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