
Rise of China

The Indo-Pacific Strategy’s Missing Continental Dimension

The Indo-Pacific Strategy’s Missing Continental Dimension

By Naoki Nihei and Marin Ekstrom
Anxiety over the rise of China and the authoritarian threat to the liberal democratic order has driven a maritime-heavy strategy. But don’t forget about the Eurasian landmass.
Why India and the United States Must Come Together

Why India and the United States Must Come Together

By Rupakjyoti Borah
India’s best bet in managing China is closer ties with the United States.

8 Chinese Arguments Against Western ‘Hubris’ and Why They Fail

8 Chinese Arguments Against Western ‘Hubris’ and Why They Fail

By Denny Roy
It may be premature to assess a decline of the West.

Realities Clash With Idealism in Today’s Asia

Realities Clash With Idealism in Today’s Asia

By Walter Lohman
The reality of what China’s rise means to different regional stakeholders must inform American policy.

Making Sense of Asia’s Balance of Power in 2019

Making Sense of Asia’s Balance of Power in 2019

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Which Asian countries overperform and underperform across a range of indicators of national power?
3 Types of Chinese Reactions to Mike Pence’s China Speech

3 Types of Chinese Reactions to Mike Pence’s China Speech

By Dingding Chen
These diverse views show that China is still debating how to handle an increasingly aggressive United States.

How Can the US Manage Sino-Russian Rapprochement?

How Can the US Manage Sino-Russian Rapprochement?

By Robert Farley
Mutual dislike for the U.S.-led order has brought Russia and China together.
Continuing Convergence: India-US 2+2 Meeting Shows Inexorable Progress in the Relationship

Continuing Convergence: India-US 2+2 Meeting Shows Inexorable Progress in the Relationship

By Harsh V. Pant
India and the United States took a major leap with the successful conclusion of the first-ever 2+2 dialogue.

Japan and India Are Better Off Aligned Than Allied

Japan and India Are Better Off Aligned Than Allied

By Rohan Mukherjee
Both Japan and India may be best served by their existing alignment instead of pursuing an alliance.

What Is the Nature of Power in the Asia-Pacific and Who Wields It?

What Is the Nature of Power in the Asia-Pacific and Who Wields It?

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
A new tool helps rank Asian states by their relative and absolute power rankings across a variety of measures.

How Can the US Manage a Rising China?

How Can the US Manage a Rising China?

By Robert Farley
The United States needs to rethink how it approaches international order.
In Competing With China, the US Should Realize the Virtues of the Rules-Based Order Speak for Themselves

In Competing With China, the US Should Realize the Virtues of the Rules-Based Order Speak for Themselves

By Theresa Lou
How can the United States lead without categorically opposing China’s international role and leadership?

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