
Rogun Dam

Blackouts in Tajikistan Highlight Energy Woes

Blackouts in Tajikistan Highlight Energy Woes

By Catherine Putz
Tajikistan confronts many of the same issues as neighboring Kyrgyzstan, where water levels at critical reservoirs are approaching dangerous lows.

Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Talk Dams, Not Rogun

Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Talk Dams, Not Rogun

By Umida Hashimova
Tashkent seems to have delicately removed itself from discussing Dushanbe’s Rogun dam, instead offering alternatives.
Winter Energy Woes Bedevil Central Asia

Winter Energy Woes Bedevil Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan have all suffered in recent months from shortages and blackouts, their citizens experiencing cold nights and darkened lights.

Edward Lemon on Tajikistan’s Trajectory

Edward Lemon on Tajikistan’s Trajectory

By Catherine Putz
A discussion of dams, terrorism, and nepotocracy in Tajikistan.

Tajikistan to Plug Back Into Central Asian Power Grid

Tajikistan to Plug Back Into Central Asian Power Grid

By Catherine Putz
The ADB approved a $35 million grant to reconnect Tajikistan’s electricity system to the once-unified Central Asian power grid via Uzbekistan.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Tajikistan's Rogun Dam Begins Operations

Tajikistan's Rogun Dam Begins Operations

By Catherine Putz
While only 75 of its intended 335 meters have been built, the first turbine at Rogun has gone into operation with much fanfare.

Tajikistan Resumes Supplying Uzbekistan with Electricity

Tajikistan Resumes Supplying Uzbekistan with Electricity

By Catherine Putz
After months of diplomacy, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan take the next step in resurrecting the Central Asian unified power grid.
Uzbekistan’s President to Visit Tajikistan Soon

Uzbekistan’s President to Visit Tajikistan Soon

By Catherine Putz
While there's no date yet, the visit is expected in early 2018 and will mark a significant diplomatic step in the region.

Tajikistan's Presidential Family Ousts Competitor in the Fuel Market

Tajikistan's Presidential Family Ousts Competitor in the Fuel Market

By Paolo Sorbello
Tajik police detained a prominent businessman, leaving room for the president's son-in-law.

Junk Bond Sale and Development Aid: How to Build a Road and a Dam in Tajikistan

Junk Bond Sale and Development Aid: How to Build a Road and a Dam in Tajikistan

By Catherine Putz
From the ADB to junk bond-hungry investors, Dushanbe is pulling in financial help. But will it make a difference?

Uzbekistan’s Changing Rogun Tone

Uzbekistan’s Changing Rogun Tone

By Catherine Putz
Without Karimov's bombast about Rogun, Tashkent is better positioned to earnestly engage on an issue of vital importance.
Tajikistan Takes Up Chinese

Tajikistan Takes Up Chinese

By Katherine Long
Chinese classes are on the rise, but still not a priority for Tajik students.

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