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Taking the Rohingya Insurgency at Face Value

Taking the Rohingya Insurgency at Face Value

By Richard Potter
Much of the speculation about the recent attacks miss a simple truth about the plight of the Rohingya.
The Rohingya and Suu Kyi’s Myanmar

The Rohingya and Suu Kyi’s Myanmar

By Austin Bodetti
The democratic icon’s party won a major victory last year. Will it help a beleaguered minority?

Myanmar’s Elections: A Testing Road Ahead

Myanmar’s Elections: A Testing Road Ahead

By Jorge Valladares
The road ahead will be a stress-test for the engagement of the international community supporting reform.

A Generals’ Election in Myanmar

A Generals’ Election in Myanmar

By Renaud Egreteau
As Myanmar's historic elections approach, the military's role in the country's politics should not be underestimated.

Rohingya: Breaking the Deadlock

Rohingya: Breaking the Deadlock

By Derek Tonkin
Might a UN “Committee of Wise Men” point the way towards an eventual resolution?
Refugees and Neighbors: Rohingya in Bangladesh

Refugees and Neighbors: Rohingya in Bangladesh

By Sumit Ganguly and Brandon Miliate
Bangladesh has been reluctant to act on the growing Rohingya refugee crisis.

Protecting the Rohingya Muslims in Burma

Protecting the Rohingya Muslims in Burma

By Senator Raynell Andreychuk
Responding to the plight of the Rohingya is an international human rights imperative.
Myanmar’s Most Vulnerable Face Rations Cut

Myanmar’s Most Vulnerable Face Rations Cut

By Emanuel Stoakes
The UN World Food Programme has confirmed it will be cutting food rations for internally displaced persons.

A Rational Approach to the Rohingya Crisis

By Mariana Olaizola Rosenblat
The issue is more complex than many commentators suggest.

The Rohingya and Islamic Extremism: A Convenient Myth

By Elliot Brennan & Christopher O'Hara
Myanmar is pursuing a narrative that rests on dubious evidence.

ASEAN Move on Rohingya, Slow But Forward

ASEAN Move on Rohingya, Slow But Forward

By Luke Hunt
The bloc takes some tentative steps, with a welcome dose of common sense from Mahathir Mohamad.
Myanmar’s Refugee Problem Is Worse Than You Thought

Myanmar’s Refugee Problem Is Worse Than You Thought

By Mong Palatino
The numbers tell a shocking tale.

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