Russia in Asia

Russia and the Rest: Putin’s East Asia Summit Visit
By Nicholas Trickett
What does Russia have to offer Asia?

Russia Looks to Asia for Business
By Dmitriy Frolovskiy
In its increasing Asian petrochemical business, Russia may be separating business from politics

Are Warming Russia-South Korea Relations a Game-changer?
By Samuel Ramani
The recent thaw in South Korea-Russia relations is a potential game-changer for Moscow’s Asia-Pacific strategy.

The 3 Dilemmas for Russian Policy in Asia
By Aleksei Zakharov
Moscow lacks a coherent policy plan for Asia and lags behind on regional engagement.

The Fatal Offshore: Deoffshorization and Russia’s Infrastructure Crisis
By Nicholas Trickett
President Vladimir Putin wants Russian businesses to bring their money back to the homeland. But is it worth it?

Schrodinger’s Pivot: The Emptiness of the Eastern Economic Forum
By Nicholas Trickett
Russia’s incoherent strategy at home and abroad continues to undercut its Asian-facing initiatives such as the Eastern Economic Forum.

China, Russia, Iran: Ports and Power Along the Belt and Road
By Nicholas Trickett and Oliver Thomas
If the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor doesn’t live up to the hype, Russia may stand to benefit.

Australia, Russia, and a Rules-Based Order in Asia
By Anton Tsvetov
While Russia and Australia are far from being the closest of partners, they may share crucial interests in Asian security.

Russia's 'Pivot to Asia' and the SCO
By Shannon Tiezzi
Richard Weitz on Russia's "pivot to Asia," Sino-Russia relations, and the future of the SCO

Does Russia Fit Into the US-Vietnam Equation?
By Anton Tsvetov
Russia’s traditional ties to Vietnam may be of use to the White House.

Vietnam and Great Power Rivalries
By Nhina Le and Koh Swee Lean Collin
Will Russian use of Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay derail improving Hanoi-Washington ties?

China and Russia vs. the United States?
By Huiyun Feng
Just how likely are China and Russia to ally against the U.S.?