Russia-Japan relations

Russia and Japan: No Closer to a Kuril Islands Breakthrough
By Ankit Panda
Abe and Putin’s latest meeting brings the two sides no closer to a breakthrough.

Russia Toughens Stance in Island Dispute with Japan
By Vladimir Isachenkov
Russia and Japan agree on the need to improve ties, but major differences remain.

Russia Is Building Military Barracks on Disputed Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan has officially logged protest with Russia over the construction of military barracks on the disputed island chain.

Russia and the Rest: Putin’s East Asia Summit Visit
By Nicholas Trickett
What does Russia have to offer Asia?

Russia Looks to Asia for Business
By Dmitriy Frolovskiy
In its increasing Asian petrochemical business, Russia may be separating business from politics

3 More Years of Abe: Japan's Foreign Policy Future
By Daniel Hurst
A round-up of the foreign policy challenges facing Japan's prime minister as he enters his final term.

Japan Asks Russia to Reduce Militarization of Disputed Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan wants Russia to scale down its military presence on the disputed island chain.

Why Are US Allies Japan and South Korea Drawing Closer to Russia?
By Magnus Lundström
Rational self-interest and energy security are more important than Western politics for US allies in Northeast Asia.

Russia Opposes Japan's Decision to Deploy Aegis Ashore
By Ankit Panda
Russia believes the deployment of these systems will undermine its interests.

Putin: Russian Force Buildup in Kuril Islands a Response to US Military Actions
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Furthermore, the Russian president does not rule out a U.S. troop presence on the disputed islands if controlled by Japan.

Is Russia’s Military Deploying 10,000 Additional Troops on the Kuril Islands?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Russia’s defense minister intends to station a new Russian army division on the disputed Kuril Islands in 2017.

In Asia Moscow Trusts? Russia’s Pivot to the East
By Igor Denisov
The long history and mixed results of Russia’s eastward strategy.
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