
Russia-Myanmar relations

The Myanmar Junta Is Losing Its Foreign Backers

The Myanmar Junta Is Losing Its Foreign Backers

By Ivan U. Klyszcz and Harold Chambers
Increasingly, the junta has no one to lean on except for a distracted Russia.

The Dwindling Prospects For Russian and Chinese-Backed Infrastructure Projects in Myanmar

The Dwindling Prospects For Russian and Chinese-Backed Infrastructure Projects in Myanmar

By Syah Vaghji
Growing political turbulence, especially in the northern part of Shan State, has drastically narrowed the chances of progress on a host of large-scale projects.
Military-ruled Myanmar Hosts Joint Naval Exercise With Russia

Military-ruled Myanmar Hosts Joint Naval Exercise With Russia

By Grant Peck
Russia is a major supporter and arms supplier of Myanmar's military government, which seized power and ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February 2021. 

Myanmar and Russia Sign Energy Deals, Establish Direct Flights

Myanmar and Russia Sign Energy Deals, Establish Direct Flights

By Sebastian Strangio
The agreements point to the advancing strategic convergence between the two pariah states.

Myanmar and Russia Agree to Establish Nuclear Technology Hub in Yangon

Myanmar and Russia Agree to Establish Nuclear Technology Hub in Yangon

By Sebastian Strangio
Civilian nuclear cooperation is the fruit of a growing convergence of interests between the two pariah states.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Myanmar Junta Leader Meets, Praises Russia’s President Putin

Myanmar Junta Leader Meets, Praises Russia’s President Putin

By Sebastian Strangio
The meeting reflected the growing strategic convergence between the two international outcasts.

Pariah Solidarity: Myanmar-Russia Relations Blossom Amid Western Sanctions

Pariah Solidarity: Myanmar-Russia Relations Blossom Amid Western Sanctions

By Sebastian Strangio
The international reaction to the Myanmar coup and the Russian invasion of Ukraine has prompted a toxic convergence between the two nations.
Russia is Gaining an Indo-Pacific Foothold Through Myanmar

Russia is Gaining an Indo-Pacific Foothold Through Myanmar

By Mohamed Zeeshan
While the West continues to try to isolate and punish Russia for the war in Ukraine, elsewhere Moscow is widening its reach and influence.

Is the Ukraine War Boosting China’s Influence in Myanmar?

Is the Ukraine War Boosting China’s Influence in Myanmar?

By Patrick Dupont
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has distracted it from a burgeoning partnership – including arms sales – with Myanmar’s junta. Will Beijing fill the gap?

UN’s Futile Effort to Engage Myanmar on the Rohingya Crisis

UN’s Futile Effort to Engage Myanmar on the Rohingya Crisis

By Lau Seng Yap
The United Nations Security Council decides to increase pressure on Myanmar, but it won’t have much of an impact.

Chechnya Could Force Russia's Hand on the Rohingya Crisis

Chechnya Could Force Russia's Hand on the Rohingya Crisis

By Samuel Ramani
Ramzan Kadyrov's strong words on the Rohingya's persecution could impact Russia-Myanmar ties.
Russia May Deliver New Fighter Jets to Myanmar By End of 2016

Russia May Deliver New Fighter Jets to Myanmar By End of 2016

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Sources indicate that Naypyidaw will get three fighter jets by the end of the year.

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