
Saenuri Party

Social Media Manipulation of Public Opinion in Korean Elections

Social Media Manipulation of Public Opinion in Korean Elections

By Dylan Stent
KBS recently began publishing articles describing how South Korea political parties have manipulated public opinion with social media.
North Korea in the Spotlight as South Korea’s Presidential Race Tightens

North Korea in the Spotlight as South Korea’s Presidential Race Tightens

By Shannon Tiezzi
As the North Korea threat grows, a dark horse consolidates support.

South Korean Constitutional Court Unanimously Upholds Park Geun-hye Impeachment

South Korean Constitutional Court Unanimously Upholds Park Geun-hye Impeachment

By Ankit Panda
The court's 8-0 decision also starts the 60-day countdown for new presidential elections.

Ban Ki-moon Won't Run for South Korean President After All

Ban Ki-moon Won't Run for South Korean President After All

By Shannon Tiezzi
Citing "slander" and "fake news," the former UN secretary general abandons his political ambitions.

South Korea's President Park: Scandal Accusations 'Colossal Lies'

South Korea's President Park: Scandal Accusations 'Colossal Lies'

By Bruce Harrison
In her first-ever one-on-one interview with a South Korean journalist, Park Geun-hye dismisses corruption allegations.
What's Next for South Korea's Center-Right?

What's Next for South Korea's Center-Right?

By Parker Novak
After the ruling party splits, can South Korea's conservatives hold on to power?

Ban Ki-moon: South Korea's 'White Knight'?

Ban Ki-moon: South Korea's 'White Knight'?

By Bruce Harrison
The public and political parties' loud support appear to be the driving force behind a potential run for the Blue House.
South Korea's Ruling Party Splits

South Korea's Ruling Party Splits

By Bruce Harrison
Does the breakaway party herald South Korea’s new conservatism or simply a cosmetic defection?

Embattled South Korean President Park Geun-hye Announces Intent to Resign, Conditional on Lawmakers

Embattled South Korean President Park Geun-hye Announces Intent to Resign, Conditional on Lawmakers

By Ankit Panda
South Korea's "Choi-gate" political scandal finally forces Park Geun-hye to plan for an exit from power.

Everything You Wanted to Know About South Korea's 'Choi-Gate'

Everything You Wanted to Know About South Korea's 'Choi-Gate'

By Ankit Panda
A political scandal is engulfing South Korean Preisdent Park Geun-hye. What are the stakes and who are the players?

Will the Saenuri Party Survive Park's Scandal?

Will the Saenuri Party Survive Park's Scandal?

By Parker Novak
South Korea's embattled president might take her party down with her.
South Korea Sizing up Presidential Options

South Korea Sizing up Presidential Options

By Elaine Ramirez

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