
COVID-19: Dr. Zhong Nanshan Is In
By Marjorie Perry
Amid a public trust crisis sparked by the new coronavirus, the 'SARS hero' has been tasked to reassure us it’s going to be okay.

Coronavirus and China’s Decision-Making in a Crisis
By Matthew Sullivan
The contours of the Chinese response have remained largely the same from SARS in 2003 to today's coronavirus outbreak.

One Coronavirus, Two Systems: New Epidemic Hits at Hong Kong’s Political Divide
By Shannon Tiezzi
The outbreak taps into deep-seated anti-mainland sentiments in Hong Kong.

As China Investigates Mysterious Illness, Hong Kong Steps up Response
By Associated Press
Though SARS has been ruled out, the scars of the 2002-2003 epidemic continue to linger in Hong Kong.

Why China Could be a Game Changer for Global Health
By Charlotte Röhren
With its growing international integration, China is becoming a major actor in global health issues.

Taiwan’s Vital International Role in Global Health Security
By Dr. Tzou-yien Lin
Taiwan’s participation in global health security is essential for avoiding deadly blind spots.

China's Medical Diplomacy
By David Volodzko
China's latest contribution to the WHO is part of a long history of using medical diplomacy as soft power.

What Does SARS Have to do With China’s Cybersecurity Law?
By David Volodzko
How Chinese censorship actually kills people.

Watch Out for the H10N8 Avian Flu
By Yanzhong Huang
A new case in Jiangxi raises concerns about the possibility of another outbreak.

Armed With SARS Lessons, China Fights H7N9 Bird Flu
By Shannon Tiezzi
10 years after SARS, China is fighting another viral outbreak - and seems to be winning.

China's Next Challenge: "Health Drain"
China, with its latest flu outbreak and environmental situation, may well be on the cusp of coining a new term.

Avian Flu Strain H7N9 Kills 2 in China
Two men from Shanghai died from H7N9 in early March within two weeks of falling ill.
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