
Sayragul Sauytbay

A Kazakh Dilemma as Beijing Reportedly Seeks Deportation of Former Camp Detainees

A Kazakh Dilemma as Beijing Reportedly Seeks Deportation of Former Camp Detainees

By Catherine Putz
As Beijing seeks deportations, ethnic Kazakhs strive to remain out of China’s grasp.

2 Ethnic Kazakhs from China Granted Asylum-Seeker Status in Kazakhstan

2 Ethnic Kazakhs from China Granted Asylum-Seeker Status in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
But like Sayragul Sauytbay before them, Murager Alimuly and Qaster Musakhanuly may not ultimately find asylum in Kazakhstan.
Xinjiang Camp Whistle-blower Sauytbay Seeks Asylum Elsewhere

Xinjiang Camp Whistle-blower Sauytbay Seeks Asylum Elsewhere

By Catherine Putz
Sauytbay has reportedly left Kazakhstan for Sweden, still seeking asylum after blowing the whistle on China's Xinjiang camps.

On Xinjiang, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Bend to Beijing's Will

On Xinjiang, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Bend to Beijing's Will

By Catherine Putz
As ethnic Kyrgyz and Kazakhs continue to disappear into Chinese detention, Bishkek and Nur-Sultan are staying quiet.

Kazakhstan Denies Asylum to Woman Who Fled China's Camps in Xinjiang

Kazakhstan Denies Asylum to Woman Who Fled China's Camps in Xinjiang

By Catherine Putz
The decision highlights Kazakhstan's continued navigation of sensitivities with China.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang Problem

Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang Problem

By Catherine Putz
Ethnic Kazakhs have opened the window for the world to hear what's happening in Xinjiang, but Kazakhstan remains quiet.

Sauytbay Trial Ends in Kazakhstan With Surprising Release

Sauytbay Trial Ends in Kazakhstan With Surprising Release

By Catherine Putz
Sayragul Sauytbay, an ethnic Kazakh Chinese national, was released on a suspended sentence and will not be deported to China.
Sauytbay Trial in Kazakhstan Puts Astana in a Bind with China

Sauytbay Trial in Kazakhstan Puts Astana in a Bind with China

By Catherine Putz
The complexities of international relations aside, is Kazakhstan going to choose China over Kazakhs?

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