
The Importance of the India-Japan Dharma Guardian Military Exercises
By Rupakjyoti Borah
What do the evolving joint exercises between India and Japan tell us about their relationship?

US, Japan Move Into Final Portion of Keen Sword 2018 Bilateral Military Exercises
By Ankit Panda
This year's Keen Sword exercise features a focus on amphibious operations.

Japan Activates Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade
By Ankit Panda
Japan activates its equivalent of a marine unit for the first time since World War II.

An F-35B for Japan's Izumo-class: Obstacles and Challenges
By Robert Farley
What does Japan need to consider before pursuing F-35B fighters for its helicopter destroyers?

Tomomi Inada, Japan's Defense Minister, Resigns Following Weeks of Scandal
By Ankit Panda
Tomomi Inada leaves office days shy of completing a one-year term.

‘Womenomics’ Comes to Japan's Defense Sector
By Mayuko Yatsu
Women are making in-roads in the Defense Ministry and Self-Defense Forces, but more needs to be done.
Japan’s Global SDF Will Need These Two Laws
By Ankit Panda
Two new bills could revolutionize the Japanese military's ability to fight abroad.

Japan, US Conduct Amphibious Landing Exercises
By Ankit Panda
The exercises took place on the sidelines of RIMPAC 2014.

Japan’s Sensible New Defense Chief
The choice of Satoshi Morimoto to head Japan’s Defense Ministry has surprised many. But the media and opposition party criticism is misplaced.

Japan Readies for North Korea Test
Japan says its SDF is preparing “destruction measures” against potential North Korean ballistic missiles.
Do U.S. Cuts Threaten its Allies?
An increasingly cash-strapped America is promising significant cuts to its military. Coupled with a rising China, would the U.S. have to give up on its allies?

Japan’s Growing Military Confidence
The Japanese Self-Defense Forces performed admirably after last year’s tsunami. Expect a more confident force to play a growing role in disaster response.
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