

Chinese Coastguard Ships Approached Disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands

Chinese Coastguard Ships Approached Disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands

By Ankit Panda
Plus, Russia-North Korea ties, a U.S. aircraft carrier switcheroo, Indian Ocean geopolitics, and more. Monday links.

A New Chinese Threat in the East China Sea? Not So Fast

A New Chinese Threat in the East China Sea? Not So Fast

By Ankit Panda
Japan's bid to portray Chinese oil platform development in the East China Sea as threatening is misguided.
One Year of ADIZ: What Next for China?

One Year of ADIZ: What Next for China?

By Ankit Panda
China's East China Sea air defense identification zone (ADIZ) remains ambiguous.

A Glimpse Into Chinese Nationalism

A Glimpse Into Chinese Nationalism

By Eric Fish
A new survey gauges popular support for actions on China’s maritime disputes, with some surprising results.

Sour Notes from China on the U.S. Rebalance to Asia

Sour Notes from China on the U.S. Rebalance to Asia

By Scott A. Snyder
Skepticism within China about the US rebalancing is strong.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Near Collision Shows Changing East China Sea Security Environment

Near Collision Shows Changing East China Sea Security Environment

By Clint Richards
A near mid-air collision, and Obama’s new limited foreign policy, test Japanese defense policies.

Japan to Build Defense Camps Near Disputed Islands

Japan to Build Defense Camps Near Disputed Islands

By Clint Richards
GSDF camps are to be built on three islands near the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands to handle “remote island attacks.”
No, Crimea Is Not a “Model” for Aggression in Asia

No, Crimea Is Not a “Model” for Aggression in Asia

By Robert E. Kelly
There is little evidence that China (or anyone else) views Russian aggression as a model for action in Asia.

Philippines Looking to Procure US Hamilton-class Warship

Philippines Looking to Procure US Hamilton-class Warship

By Ankit Panda
Also, Thailand may build an additional littoral patrol ship, a U.S. general angers China, and the PLA looks to space.

Japan’s Clumsy Perception Management

Japan’s Clumsy Perception Management

By Kei Koga
Japan’s security policies are widely misunderstood. With some better prioritizing, Abe could help correct that.

Structural Distrust: Undermining a Senkaku/Diaoyu Solution

Structural Distrust: Undermining a Senkaku/Diaoyu Solution

By Jin Kai
When it comes to the East China Sea, it might be time to step back and look at the bigger picture.
Xi Jinping’s Overlooked Revelation on China’s Maritime Disputes

Xi Jinping’s Overlooked Revelation on China’s Maritime Disputes

Although unnoticed by foreign analysts, Xi Jinping recently signaled a desire to dial back tensions in the South and East China Seas.

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