Senkaku/Diaoyu islands

China Sets Record for Activity Near Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in 2024
By Takahashi Kosuke
The China Coast Guard (CCG) is sending its larger and heavily armed ships near the disputed islands.

China Sets Record for Activity Near Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in 2023
By Takahashi Kosuke
China has quietly increased its presence in the East China Sea, challenging Japan's control of the disputed islands.

Interview: Michael O’Hanlon on the Senkaku Paradox and the Risk of Great Power War
By Franz-Stefan Gady
How to prevent a local military crisis from escalating into a great power war.

‘Acquiescence’ and the Senkaku Island Debate
By Jun Tsuruta
China’s long postwar silence undermines its claim to sovereignty.

Chinese Frigate, Unidentified Submarine Enter Japan-Claimed Waters Near Senkaku Islands
By Ankit Panda
The incident tests the waters in the East China Sea after a diplomatic breakthrough between the two countries.

4 China Coast Guard Vessels Enter Japan-Administered Waters Near Disputed East China Sea Islands
By Ankit Panda
The incident is the first of its kind in 2018.

Japan, China Agree to Implement East China Sea Crisis Management Hotline
By Ankit Panda
An agreement this week will lead to the implementation of a long-sought hotline.

East China Sea: Japan Coast Guard Plans Miyako Island Facility Upgrades
By Ankit Panda
Japan continues to bolster its maritime law enforcement capabilities in the East China Sea.

The New ‘Normal’ in the East China Sea
By Lyle J. Morris
China and Japan are engaged in a long-term test of wills over disputed waters and territory in the East China Sea.

Chinese Military Recruitment Video Features East China Sea Air Encounter With Japan
By Ankit Panda
"This is China Naval Aviation Force on guard. Attention! You are about to violate Chinese air territory."

East China Sea: Japan Reacts as Chinese Air Force Conducts Miyako Strait Drill
By Ankit Panda
Several types of Chinese military aircraft transited the strategically important strait.

Deterring China: Japan to Develop New Anti-Ship Missile for Defense of Senkakus
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Tokyo intends to deploy a new anti-ship missile to deter Chinese advances in the East China Sea.
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