sexual violence

Bangladesh Women Rise up Against Increasing Incidents of Rape
By Samata Biswas
The Muhammad Yunus government has failed miserably in checking incidents of rape and sexual violence against women.

Dignifying the Taliban in Doha While Reports of Systemic Sexual Violence Emerge
By Lauryn Oates
There is overwhelming evidence that sexual assault perpetrated by Taliban officials is widespread and systemic, and that it occurs with total impunity.

It’s Time to Incorporate Consent Into Central Asia’s Sexual Violence Laws
By Catherine Putz
The criminal codes of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan focus on violence in defining rape, rather than the lack of consent.

Indonesian Parliament Passes Long-Awaited Sexual Violence Bill
By Sebastian Strangio
The passage of the law, which had languished in the legislature since 2016, follows a series of high-profile rape cases that have stoked public anger.

Indian Muslim Women Put Up on Auction Again
By Sheikh Saaliq
Photographs of prominent Muslim women, several of them critics of Indian PM Narendra Modi, were displayed in a fake online auction.

Muslim Women in India ‘Auctioned’ Online Using GitHub
By Bansari Kamdar
Activists, artists and journalists found their names and photographs displayed on the site without their consent.

Rape, Caste, Double Standards, and India’s Middle Class
By StoriesAsia
Does India's middle class only empathize with victims who are ‘like’ them?

#MeTooTalgo: Kazakh Activists Push to Toughen Rape Law
By Colleen Wood
In Kazakhstan, discussion about sexual violence -- and how it’s treated under the law -- has hit a tipping point.

What Yingluck’s Fate Says About Sexism in Thailand
By Matthew Phillips
Recent commentary about the former premier misses an important element of her story and what it says about Thai society.

Indian Lawmakers Take Key Steps Toward Recognizing the Importance of Consent
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
Two recent developments in India suggest slow but sure change in how gender-based violence is viewed in the country.

Papua New Guinea's Struggle With Domestic and Sexual Violence
By Camilla Capasso
PNG has some of the highest levels of family and sexual violence in the world.
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