
Shintaro Ishihara

What Yuriko Koike's Governorship Triumph in Tokyo Means for Japan

What Yuriko Koike's Governorship Triumph in Tokyo Means for Japan

By Ankit Panda
Yuriko Koike comes to the governorship of Tokyo with a complex political background.
Ishihara’s Stealth Attack on the Japanese Constitution

Ishihara’s Stealth Attack on the Japanese Constitution

By Aurelia George Mulgan
The right-wing politician cites a supposed grammatical error as justification for a new constitution.

Japanese Nationalists Target Foreign Welfare Recipients

By Clint Richards
The former governor of Tokyo wants to give long-term residents an ultimatum.

No End in Sight for Marginalization of Japan’s Opposition

No End in Sight for Marginalization of Japan’s Opposition

By Clint Richards
As opposition parties continue to split, the LDP seems unlikely to face a unified threat.

Reshuffling Japan’s Opposition

Reshuffling Japan’s Opposition

By Clint Richards
More parties are splitting and merging, but none seem able to challenge the LDP.
Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands: A Tense Anniversary

Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands: A Tense Anniversary

In the year since Tokyo purchased the islands, China and Japan have avoided escalation. Can that continue?

Tokyo Governor Apologizes for Comments on Istanbul’s Olympics Bid

Tokyo Governor Apologizes for Comments on Istanbul’s Olympics Bid

Naoki Inose has apologized for recent remarks about Islamic nations.

Tokyo Pushes Ahead for 2020 Olympics

Tokyo Pushes Ahead for 2020 Olympics

Despite the resignation of the city’s mayor, signs look good for Tokyo to host the 2020 games.

Ishihara: Japan Needs Nukes

Ishihara: Japan Needs Nukes

Outspoken Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara calls for Japan to build nuclear weapons to counter a rising China.

Are A-Bomb Jokes OK?

Are A-Bomb Jokes OK?

Quiz show QI caused controversy after jokes about a survivor of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima attacks. Did it go too far?

Ishihara No Numskull

Ishihara No Numskull

Clever media manipulation keeps Tokyo’s controversial governor in the spotlight ahead of the gubernatorial poll.

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums

Frozen out of talks and wanting attention, the Kim regime made a calculated decision to up the ante in 2010, Weston Konishi tells The Diplomat.

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