Silk Road Economic Belt

China's 'Protracted War' in Xinjiang
By Shannon Tiezzi
One of China's top leaders preaches stability and ethnic unity in Xinjiang, even as news of more violence emerges.

China's 'Silk Road' Initiative Is at Risk of Failure
By Moritz Rudolf
China's "Silk Road PR" is in full swing, but the reality on the ground is different than the rhetoric.

Understanding China’s Eurasian Pivot
By Michael Clarke
The “One Belt, One Road” strategy provides a guide to the future of China in Eurasia.

Can China Assert Itself in Afghanistan?
By Raffaello Pantucci and Kane Luo
Beijing needs to play a stronger leadership role in Afghanistan.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Gets Even More Ambitious
By Shannon Tiezzi
China and Pakistan sign news deals in Xinjiang, while Pakistan talks of linking Iran to the new infrastructure.

Can China-Turkey Relations Move On?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Erodgan sought to move the China-Turkey relationship beyond recent tensions over Uyghur issues.

Russia's 'Pivot to Asia' and the SCO
By Shannon Tiezzi
Richard Weitz on Russia's "pivot to Asia," Sino-Russia relations, and the future of the SCO

The Belt and Road: China's Economic Lifeline?
By Shannon Tiezzi

Can China Save Greece - and the EU?
By Shannon Tiezzi
China's premier is in Europe just as the Greek debt crisis comes to a head.

Will All Roads in Central Asia Eventually Lead to China?
By Catherine Putz
Increased Chinese involvement in the region is a source of both fascination and fear.

China's Silk Road in Europe: Not Just Hungary
By Shannon Tiezzi
Hungary became the first country to sign a Silk Road MoU, but various other European states are already on board.

The Trouble With China's Infrastructure Plans in ASEAN
By Tomoo Kikuchi and Takehiro Masutomo
Why financing by Beijing may prove to be a poisoned chalice.