
Singapore coronavirus

How ‘Third Way’ Countries Live With COVID-19

How ‘Third Way’ Countries Live With COVID-19

By Wayne Soon
Australia, Japan, South Korea, and others have found middle ground between a full return to pre-pandemic normalcy and attempts to cling to “zero COVID.”
Despite Variants, Singapore’s COVID-19 Strategy on Track

Despite Variants, Singapore’s COVID-19 Strategy on Track

By David Rising and Annabelle Liang
Singapore was able to succeed in getting most of its population vaccinated by ensuring there were few barriers to getting the shot and increasing difficulties for the unvaccinated.

Joyful Reunions as Malaysia-Singapore Land Border Reopens

Joyful Reunions as Malaysia-Singapore Land Border Reopens

By Syawalludin Zain
The Causeway Bridge between Singapore and Malaysia was one of the world's busiest land borders before the pandemic struck. 

Singapore and the Philippines: From Zero-COVID-19 to Living With COVID-19

Singapore and the Philippines: From Zero-COVID-19 to Living With COVID-19

By Kenneth Y. Hartigan-Go and Ronald U. Mendoza
Though at opposite ends of the spectrum in their COVID-19 performances, both countries are feeling pressure to find a way to live with the virus.

Can Singapore Keep Its Precious Hawker Culture Alive?

Can Singapore Keep Its Precious Hawker Culture Alive?

By Ashley Tan
Singapore’s hawker culture has been recognized by UNESCO, but there are questions about its sustainability.
Singapore Leader Calls Early Elections Despite Pandemic

Singapore Leader Calls Early Elections Despite Pandemic

By Associated Press
The July 10 polls will likely be the swan song for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Singapore: Election Politics Amid the Pandemic

Singapore: Election Politics Amid the Pandemic

By Nigel Li
Singaporeans are unhappy with their government's COVID-19 response, but the opposition may be too fractured to present a viable alternative.
The Disproportionate Effect of COVID-19 on Migrant Workers in ASEAN

The Disproportionate Effect of COVID-19 on Migrant Workers in ASEAN

By Camille Bismonte
Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam approached the intertwined issues of COVID-19 and migrant workers quite differently.

‘Tale of 2 Outbreaks’: Singapore Tackles a Costly Setback

‘Tale of 2 Outbreaks’: Singapore Tackles a Costly Setback

By Associated Press
Singapore has treated the recent spike in COVID-19 cases among foreign workers as a separate outbreak.

The Missing Link in Singapore’s COVID-19 Strategy

The Missing Link in Singapore’s COVID-19 Strategy

By Shona Loong
Singapore is held up as a model of pandemic management, but that success doesn't extend to its migrant workers.

Debunking 3 Myths About COVID-19 Lockdowns

Debunking 3 Myths About COVID-19 Lockdowns

By Karl Lee Chee Leong
There are different degrees of lockdown, but no matter what, life won't go back to normal once the lockdowns end.
Singapore’s Migrant Worker Debate: Advocacy Amid a Pandemic

Singapore’s Migrant Worker Debate: Advocacy Amid a Pandemic

By Yong Han Poh
What a migrant worker dormitory debate revealed about the relationship between Singapore’s government, citizens, and NGOs.

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