

The Gulf of Aden Needs US-China Maritime Cooperation

The Gulf of Aden Needs US-China Maritime Cooperation

By Brittney Washington
If Washington and Beijing can get out of their own way, they can combat a common threat.
China Burnishes Anti-Piracy Credentials Without Clarifying Possible Use of Lethal Force

China Burnishes Anti-Piracy Credentials Without Clarifying Possible Use of Lethal Force

By Ankit Panda
The Chinese Ministry of National Defense clarified the extent of the Chinese Navy's anti-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean.

Lessons in Military Cooperation From Indian Ocean Counter-Piracy Ops

Lessons in Military Cooperation From Indian Ocean Counter-Piracy Ops

By Robert Farley
What can the lessons of naval cooperation in countering piracy off Somalia teach us?

North Korean MH17 Scenario Extremely Unlikely

North Korean MH17 Scenario Extremely Unlikely

By Clint Richards
Despite the U.S. banning its aircraft from Pyongyang airspace, the chances of a DPRK missile attack are remote.

After 23 Years, China to Reopen Embassy in Somalia

After 23 Years, China to Reopen Embassy in Somalia

By Shannon Tiezzi
China will reopen its embassy in Mogadishu, hoping that increased stability in Somalia allows for closer bilateral ties.
Iran’s Navy: Asian Ambitions?

Iran’s Navy: Asian Ambitions?

By Trevor Hollingsbee
The Iranian navy has a growing presence in Asia, a development many in the region could welcome.

Taking the Piracy Fight Ashore

Taking the Piracy Fight Ashore

A top Chinese general has suggested a new approach to fighting piracy in Somalia. Caution is warranted.

How Failed is North Korea?

How Failed is North Korea?

North Korea is often branded a failed state. But what exactly do people mean, and what is it based on?

America’s Somalia Experiment

America’s Somalia Experiment

The US military’s ‘offshore balancing’ strategy is likely to be applied to the Asia-Pacific. But there could be some troubling and unintended consequences if it is.

Taming Piracy's Wild West

Taming Piracy's Wild West

Merchant crews travelling in the waters off Somalia should consider arming themselves in the name of self-help.

Will al-Qaeda Turn to Piracy?

Piracy off the coast of Somalia is likely to be a tempting potential revenue source for al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba.

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