South Korea-Japan relations

South Koreans Continue to Distrust Japan. How Will the Upcoming Presidential Election Change That?
By Ankit Panda
Trilateralism over the North Korean issue with the United States has temporarily drawn attention away from bilateral tensions.

South Korea's 3 Foreign Policy Blind Spots
By Ben Forney
South Korean policymakers refuse to acknowledge three basic realities that should shape foreign policy.

The 'Final and Irreversible' 2015 Japan-South Korea Comfort Women Deal Unravels
By Ankit Panda
Despite a 2015 deal, the "comfort women" dispute between Japan and South Korea continues to have salience for bilateral ties.

Korea and Japan's Military Information Agreement: A Final Touch for the Pivot?
By Jaehan Park and Sangyoung Yun
The long-pending General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) is finally signed, to Washington's relief.

Strategic Implications of South Korea’s Political Scandal
By Benjamin Lee
The Choi Soon-sil scandal will have serious repercussions for strategic issues such as THAAD and Japan-ROK cooperation.

The Limits of the Japan-South Korea Military Relationship
By Peter Murphy
Could Japan lose South Korea to China?

The US-Korea Summit, Take Two: What Park and Obama Should Talk About
By Jung-Yeop Woo and Eileen Block
How South Korea can put its partnership with the United States on the right track.

Abe, Park Meet on UN Sidelines, Affirm Trilateral Summit with China
By Ankit Panda
The leaders of South Korea and Japan met on the sidelines of the 70th UN General Assembly.

'Comfort Women' Musical Builds Asian Community
By Remi Yamazaki
Dimo HyunJun Kim, director of Comfort Women - A New Musical, on adapting social issues for entertainment.

China's Air Superiority Fighters Are Getting Stealthier
By Ankit Panda
Plus, nuclear deterrence in South Asia, India's ballistic missile defense, and history in East Asia.

After 5 Years, Japan, South Korea Hold Security Dialogue
By Ankit Panda
The defense and foreign ministers of South Korea and Japan met for a "two-plus-two" dialogue for the first time in five years.

Who Are Modern Korea's 'Founding Fathers'?
By Steven Denney
A look at the figures Koreans see as emblematic of their independence movement.